How Often Should You Replace Your Mattress in Canada?

How often should you replace your mattress? An average mattress can last up to 10 years, but there’s more than meets the eye. Find out why!

Unfortunately, there is a lot of conflicting information out there, so finding a definitive answer is not always easy. Having done some research, we were able to develop a solution that we hope will be helpful. Furthermore, we based our research on the latest scientific findings and feedback from industry experts. Here’s what you need to know about replacing your mattress on time to maintain good sleep hygiene.

Why Is It Important to Replace Your Mattress?

Replacing your old mattress is a matter of pleasure. Good thing a local mattress store around Marrickville can help you sleep on a fresh, clean, good-smelling bed. The sense of comfort is incomparable. Not only will it be easier for you to fall asleep, but you’ll also wake up feeling more rested. A used mattress can’t provide that level of comfort.

Plus, mattresses tend to sage and dent with use. When a mattress gets out of shape, it lowers sleep quality. As a result, you wake up tired and less energetic, especially when you suffer from osteoporosis, arthritis, or fibromyalgia.

There are also some health concerns. Your dead skin cells, hair, sweat, saliva, and other body secretions fall on the mattress. These body wastes attract dust mite allergens that feed on dead skin cells. They might also infect you with the worst diseases you can imagine. Furthermore, these microscopic organisms can trigger allergies and cause respiratory diseases as you breathe on the mattress while sleeping.

Therefore, replacing your mattress is a crucial healthy decision that can enhance your sleep, which improves other aspects of your health.

How Often Should You Replace Your Mattress?

Mattresses don’t come with an expiration date, and that’s why it’s harder to determine how often you should replace your mattress. Plus, many factors determine the average age of your beddings, from materials, maintenance to sleeper’s weight. So you can imagine why there’s so much debate around the subject.

In general, the average age of a mattress is eight years. After that, you need to replace it. Why eight years? It’s because if you owned a bed for that duration, it means you have slept on it for three years. Compare that to other items in your home, like your carpet, for example. Then, you’ll see why you should put your mattress out of service. Moreover, more industry experts and scientific studies support that number.

You should, however, note that some mattresses can live up to 25 years thanks to the durable materials and impeccable craftsmanship. In contrast, a low-quality mattress won’t last over five years. Again, look at the quality of the bed to judge its average age.

The mattress type is another factor to consider. Your memory foam mattress might last between 6 and 8 years, while a latex mattress can last up to 12 years, thanks to the organic nature of its materials. Innerspring mattresses also fall in the eight years range.

It’s not always easy because every bed has a different level of durability. So, you may want to look for the signs to replace your mattress as a more reliable determining factor.

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How to Know if You Need a New Mattress

Here are some signs that you should replace your mattress:

  • You Wake Up Tired: If you feel numbness in parts of your body when you wake up, you may need to replace your mattress. It’s because it doesn’t support your body weight like before.
  • It Transfers Movement: When your mattress starts to wake you up when your partner moves, and it’s disturbing your sleep. Then, you know that your bed doesn’t reduce movements anymore.
  • You Find it Difficult to Breathe: Dust mites might take over your mattress. So, you get an allergic reaction or wake up in the middle of the night unable to breathe. Anti-dust mites bed sheets can help, but if you gasp for air, then they’re not enough anymore.
  • Wear and Tear: Your mattress looks exhausted despite regular cleaning. It’s beyond repair. That’s when you know you should replace your mattress. It has stains, sagging, and lumps.

Obviously, the mattress’ age is a primary sign. If your mattress is more than ten years old, it’s a strong indication that you should replace it quickly.

Where Can You Buy a New Mattress?

Investing in a new mattress can be a daunting experience.

For the most part, you’ll find many types of mattresses for different sleeping needs. So, there’s a lot of research to do. If you want to start your research on the right foot, visit There, you’ll find helpful guidance to help you navigate the world of mattresses. Furthermore, that website offers free mattress reviews and comparisons to quickly help Canadian customers get the perfect match mattress. You don’t have to do it alone; let a team of mattress experts help you.


How often should you replace your mattress? Industry experts recommend replacing your mattress every eight years. Generally, ten years is a suitable tenure, and the lowest and highest mattress ages are five and 25, respectively. To summarize, replace your mattress when you see the signs that you don’t get enough sleep, you wake up tired, and your bed isn’t clean. Moreover, when your mattress needs replacing, you’ll know it instinctively.

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