How to Cope With Loneliness During the Holiday Season

For many people, the holiday season is the most anticipated time of the year, as it brings an opportunity to reconnect with family and friends and finally spend more quality time together. However, holidays being a time of joy and love is exactly the reason why for many people, it’s also a time of loneliness.

Some of us might be living far away from home or not be on speaking terms with our relatives; others might be going through a painful breakup or just getting stuck in a place due to severe weather conditions. Whichever is your case, the upcoming holidays can feel overwhelming and can spoil the mood. But, regardless of how paradoxically it may sound, we’re not alone in feeling lonely. And we’re here to show you how to save Christmas for yourself!

Here is what you can do to cope with loneliness during this holiday season:

Accept and Embrace It

The first step is to accept that you feel lonely. Don’t try to hide it or push these feelings away, as they’ll only come back stronger. Acknowledge your feelings and be patient with yourself. It’s okay to feel down sometimes, especially during the holiday season when everyone around seems to be so happy.

Now, acknowledgement is only the beginning. Then, you need to gain back control over your mood – and to do so, you’ll need a completely different mindset. If you cannot change the situation, change your attitude. Yes, you’re going to spend the Christmas holidays alone. What can you do to make yourself feel better about this?

Get Physical and Move Your Body

If you’re feeling low, one of the best things you can do is to get up and move your body. Loneliness, like any other emotion you might be bottling up, can be held in your body and might even take a toll on it, resulting in physical symptoms like loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, and muscle tension.

Exercise is a great way to release tension, boost your mood, and ease anxiety. Furthermore, physical activity will not only make you feel better but will also improve your sleep.

Even if you don’t feel like working out, just go for a walk in the park, do some simple stretches at home, or just masturbate. Besides, the latter can be an excellent excuse to get yourself an exciting present, whether it’s a tiny bullet vibrator or one of those realistic sex dolls we’ve seen online. After all, Christmas alone doesn’t necessarily mean present-less Christmas.

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Appreciate Your Alone Time – When Was the Last Time You’ve Got Any?

Being alone during the holiday season gives you a unique opportunity – the opportunity to indulge in your alone time and finally do what you love and what makes you happy. You can take a break from all the family gatherings and parties you didn’t want to attend in the first place and just focus on yourself.

Use this time to re-read your favorite book series, watch all those movies you’ve been meaning to watch, or just sleep as much as you want! This is your chance to do things that make you happy, so make the most of it.

Another great thing about spending the holidays alone is that you don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not. You can be yourself ultimately without worrying about what other people might think or say. So, just relax and enjoy your own company!

Don’t Force the Holiday Spirit

Just because the calendar says it’s the holiday season out there doesn’t mean you have to force yourself to get into the holiday spirit – it will only make you feel worse. If you don’t feel like decorating your home or cooking a big holiday dinner, that’s perfectly fine. Don’t put additional pressure on yourself – do whatever makes you happy and feel comfortable.

Can’t stand the smell of cinnamon or mulled wine? Cook yourself some comfort food, or just order a delivery from your favorite taco spot! Does the mere thought of rewatching Home Alone on your own make you feel sick? Dump the idea of watching Christmas-themed movies altogether and embark on the Alien marathon!

Do what feels right for you and take things at your own pace. Maybe this year, you’ll just focus on taking care of yourself and making it through the holidays alive. And that’s perfectly fine!

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Don’t Isolate Yourself

Just because you’re spending the holidays alone doesn’t mean you have to be completely isolated from the rest of the world. You can start by sending a text message or an e-mail to your family and friends, letting them know how you’re doing.

For instance, if you have a friend who also spends their holidays alone due to long-distance, don’t hesitate to reach out to them and offer some remote support. Even just a call might be already enough to brighten someone’s day, yourself included.

And if you’re really not in the mood for socializing, you can always volunteer your time to help others. Many organizations are looking for volunteers during the holiday season, so this is a great way to connect with your community and make a difference in the lives of others.

Final Note

If you find yourself feeling lonely during the holiday season, don’t be hard on yourself. It is entirely normal, especially when everyone around seems to be reconnecting with their loved ones.

You can do plenty of things to make the most of your time and find joy in simple things. Acknowledging your feelings and moving your body will help you switch to a more positive mindset and find the energy to actually take care of yourself.

Practice self-compassion, be grateful for your alone time, and reach out to others whenever you feel like it – and you’ll see that the holiday season can be just as enjoyable even when you’re spending it alone! Take care!

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