How to Improve Your Memory and What Does Instagram Downloaders Have to Do With It

Today, living in the modern world, every day, we are faced with a huge flow of information. Being on social networks, we can scroll for hours on social networks and share dozens of photos. In such an atmosphere, it is quite difficult to remember anything. The situation is also complicated by the technical capabilities of some applications that do not allow you to save content (like Instagram).

What needs to be done to empower your memory and your applications? Let’s deal with the last point. To save your favorite photo or story from the same Instagram, you need to use special services (Instagram downloaders). It can be completely different ways. It can be a special app, a bot Instagram, services, Toolzu, for example, a Telegram channel and etc. There are many ways to bypass Instagram restrictions and post stories or videos safely even with existing restrictions, and Tools is not the only option here.

What to do With The Memory?

You can improve your natural memory in several ways. Here are some of them:

Cut Down on Sugar

If you’re wondering how you can improve your memory, limit your sugar intake first. It is sugar that negatively affects cognitive abilities. By reducing its consumption, you will notice not only an improvement in memory but also in general well-being.

Include Fish Oil in Your Diet

Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which are rich in fish oil, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, improve mental performance, and help fight fatigue and anxiety. Add omega-3-rich fish to your diet. This is especially recommended for the elderly. There have been studies that have shown a significant improvement in memory in those who regularly ate fish throughout the year.

Meditate and Get in The Habit of Exercising

Physical exercise has a beneficial effect not only on the body but also on brain activity and improves cognitive functions. And meditation helps not only to calm down and improve the emotional state but also increases the amount of gray matter, and this has a positive effect on memory and learning abilities.

Through meditation, you can improve short-term memory. A Taiwanese college study found that students who practiced meditation improved their spatial working memory.

Lose Weight

Considering ways to improve memory, it is necessary to say about obesity. Being overweight is a significant risk factor for cognitive decline. It provokes changes in the brain genes associated with memory, which contributes to the deterioration of memorization.

The researchers conducted an experiment, the participants of which were people from 18 to 35 years old. According to the results of the experiment, people with greater body weight coped worse with memory tests. Obesity also increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Get Enough Sleep

During a night’s rest, short-term memories turn into long-term ones, and if you don’t get enough sleep, it impairs your memory. Sleep is recommended between 7 and 9 hours every night. At the same time, it is advisable to prepare for sleep: ventilate the room, organize the most comfortable sleeping place, refuse to use gadgets an hour before bedtime, and do not watch harmful news and useless TV shows.

Eliminate or Significantly Reduce Your Alcohol Intake

Alcohol destroys general well-being and negatively affects brain activity. People who abuse alcohol perform worse on memory tests. Alcohol negatively affects the hippocampus. Namely, it plays an important role in the organization of information storage.

Add Curcumin

Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant found in turmeric root. It has anti-inflammatory effects, reduces oxidative damage and inflammation in the brain, and reduces amyloid plaques that build up on neurons and contribute to cell and tissue death.

See Also

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids that are good for the brain. They stimulate the growth of neurons and improve the blood supply to the brain. Choose chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% or more and consume it in small amounts regularly. No harm to the figure, but a significant plus for memory.

Take Vitamin D

With a lack of vitamin D, cognitive functions deteriorate. In countries with a cold climate, this vitamin is almost always lacking. Therefore, it is necessary to independently maintain its normal level so that the memory does not fail.

Train your brain

One of the most effective ways to improve memory is regular brain training. Solving various problems helps to improve memory at any age. You can solve crossword puzzles, play word games and use special online programs. Studies have shown that if you train for 10-15 minutes daily, short-term and working memory improves, concentration increases, and reaction speed develops.


Although there is more and more information, a modern man manages to adapt quite well to the ongoing changes, both technically and “biologically.”

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