How to Style your Desk?

Want to style your desk? Let’s find out how. Your desk is the center point of your work. If you keep your desk clean, organized, and tidy, it will become a sight for sore eyes. Nowadays, people spend more time on their desks than they do on their beds. It doesn’t matter if you are a student or a working professional, all you need is a desk and that too, an organized one at that. Here are a few styling hacks which you can follow to make your desk look stylish and aesthetic.

Tips to make your desk look stylish

1.Blue is the warmest color

You can definitely have a favorite color like pink or maybe, black or even white. But, trust me, when I say a little blue is needed, it is. Add a little blue color to your desk, and it changes the whole aura of the desk. According to many people, you can never have enough blue. That’s right. Blue will make you feel warm, and like you are in your comfort zone. It will also be a treat to your eyes.

2.Proper Storage

You need to plan out the storage. You can find desk organizers, storage boxes online. Without a proper storage organizer, your desk would look immensely messy and untidy. You can get storage boxes or desk organizers and keep your important files or your stationeries inside them. That would make your desk look clean and more organized. Also, you would have your documents and necessary objects in one place.

3.Picture/Photo Frames

It doesn’t matter if you are at your office desk or at your home desk, get some photo frames and pictures to make your desk feel like home. You can have photos of your family or your partner or even your friends. It gets really hectic with work and studies, and sometimes all you need is a little memoir of the happy times you spent with your close people to make you smile amidst the chaotic day of work, assignments, and meetings.


If there is light, you can never have any darkness. Also, get some proper lighting to make the desk look brighter. You can quickly search for trendy desk lamps online or even decorate your desks with fairy lights to make it look more stylish.

5.Become a Minimalist

Always try to keep your desk to the bare minimum. Don’t overdo it. Don’t buy unnecessary articles to keep on the desk for decoration purposes. Only have the necessary items on your desk. The lesser, the better. It gives you the space you need to work. It is not essential to have a lot of stuff on your desk to make it look stylish. You can also make it look smart with the minimal things you have or need.

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6.Make it Woody

Yes, you heard me right. A wooden study or office table is sturdier than the plastic ones. Also, they give an aesthetic vibe to your whole room. 

7.Some Books wouldn’t hurt much

Keep two or three books on your desk. Again, don’t overdo it. Books are always lovely to be read when you need a break, or you are tired of working on your assignments. Books make you feel warm and also make the desk look stylish. Keep the books at one end of the desk, and you can choose to read if you are bored with your usual work.

These are a few simple steps that you can follow to style your dress up. Having an organized desk would make your mood better and your day brighter than ever. Try them at home or your office, and see how the entire environment around you changes.

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