Importance Of End Of Tenancy Cleaning For Landlords

When it comes to renting out a property, first impressions are everything. A potential tenant wants to walk into an apartment that looks clean, well-maintained, and ready for move-in. Unfortunately, without proper cleaning, that may not be the case.

While the responsibility of cleaning the apartment largely falls on the tenant moving out, it’s the landlord’s responsibility to ensure that the property is in excellent condition for the next tenant. This is why it’s crucial to have a legal agreement between the landlord and tenant about cleaning the apartment properly and well-cared for.

As a landlord, it’s essential to understand the importance of end of tenancy cleaning in London. From creating a welcoming environment for potential tenants to ensuring a healthy living space, a thorough cleaning can make all the difference. While the responsibility of cleaning the apartment largely falls on the tenant moving out, it’s the landlord’s responsibility to ensure that the property is in excellent condition for the next tenant.

This is why it’s crucial to have a legal agreement between the landlord and tenant about cleaning the apartment properly and well-cared for.

Why Landlords Should Require End Of Tenancy Cleaning

As the landlord, it is normal to expect the tenants to maintain the property and make it look almost like when they moved in.

While some tenants try to do this to get back their deposit fee, they might not meet the expected standard required for the new tenants. As the landlord, you need to ensure a deep cleaning for the following reasons.

Increases Rental Success

Even though there are many people out there looking to rent different types of properties, it’s undeniable that the rental market is competitive, and you need to meet a certain standard to make your house highly desirable.

It’s beyond just making the house likable; you must ensure the new tenant is willing to pay the rental fee you want to charge.

As odd as it might sound, uncleanliness can reduce a property’s value because no tenant wants to pay a high price for an unclean property.

Worse still, if you end up getting a tenant willing to get the property in a dirty state, you should not be surprised if they leave the property in a worse state.

Sets Standards For New Tenants

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As said above, if a tenant meets an unclean apartment, they will likely leave it in the same state. In the same way, when the tenants are given a clean property, they will understand the standard of cleanliness expected from them.

Setting the standards saves you the stress of dealing with dirty property whenever you want to rent out the house again. The new tenants would more likely maintain the standard while still occupying or moving out of the apartment.

Protect Your Investment

One of the most important reasons for the end of tenancy cleaning is inventory. You must prepare your apartment for inventory to protect your investment.

When you present pictures of inventories, the level of cleanliness is seen in them. You will have to take detailed pictures of the inside of the wardrobes and cupboard, the walls, the corners of the bathrooms, and the inside of the fridge and oven.

In case of a dispute later, the pictures of the clean fittings, appliances, and fixtures give you an upper hand when presenting your case. It prevents further conflicts and helps you keep the tenant’s deposit.

Reduces Periods Between Tenancies

Once you have set and presented the standard end of tenancy cleaning requirements to your tenants, you will not have to spend much time waiting and preparing the property for the next tenants.

Also, you can set a certain period for the tenants to finish the end of tenancy cleaning, preventing delays once the rent expires.

How to Ensure A Thorough End of Tenancy Cleaning As Landlords

One of the leading causes of deposit disputes between tenants and landlords is the property’s cleanliness since each person has a different definition of clean. Here are some ways to ensure your tenants’ cleaning is up to standard.

Prepare The Inventories

Considering the recurrence of the disputes, the best solution is to prepare inventories before and after the tenant moves out. The checklists will clarify the expectations for each area of the home.

The tenants must see the inventories before moving in and confirm that the pictures are accurate. Then they will be prepared to leave the house in the same state when leaving.

The images are necessary to see any differences in the cleaning standards. It helps if comments are under pictures to guide the tenant or anyone cleaning.

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Set A Cleaning Schedule

Just because it is called the end of tenancy cleaning does not mean it has to be done only at the end of the tenancy; this can cause some hard and unremovable stains over time.

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In the contract, the landlord should set cleaning schedules with details and make them accessible to the agents, tenants, and everyone involved.

Employ A Professional

Before any tenants move in, they are to pay a deposit fee for maintenance if they do not meet the cleaning standard.

If it seems the tenant is not interested in doing the cleaning work or does not know how to do it, you can offer to hire a professional with the deposit fee.

It is best to consult the tenant before hiring the tenant to prevent further disputes or cases. Show them a reason to employ a professional and strike a deal on giving them any balance after the professionals meet the standard.

Check Crucial Areas

As thorough as the tenant might be, sometimes, they can miss a few areas and corners. As the landlord, you must check these areas and call them back if they missed crucial spots.

Some of the areas that need extra attention include

  • The insides and corners of the oven. Do not forget the extractor fan.
  • The inside of the washing machine, tumble drier, and freezer. Defrost the freezer to check it properly.
  • Cupboards and wardrobes. They usually harbor sticky and stubborn stains; check them well.
  • Carpets and flooring. Move and rearrange the furniture to ensure all stains are removed.
  • Empty the bins and clean them.
  • Corner of each room and other crannies.

After checking these areas, if you notice big differences, you should call the tenants. If the tenants missed just a few spots, you might handle it yourself.


As a letting agent or landlord, it’s essential to prioritize the cleanliness and maintenance of your property. A well-kept environment not only makes it desirable for incoming tenants but also upholds its value. By working together with your tenants to achieve this, you can ensure a smooth and stress-free transition between tenancies.

If you’re in need of a reliable after tenancy cleaning service in London, look no further than Skycleaners. With their experienced team and state-of-the-art equipment, they’ll ensure that your property is spotless and ready for the next tenants. Plus, with their thorough and professional cleaning services, you can rest assured that you’ll get your deposit back. Contact Skycleaners today at 83 Drapers Rd, London E15 2AZ, United Kingdom or call them at +44 7879 101049 to book your appointment and experience the peace of mind that comes with a job well done.

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