Is It Time for a Spring Clean?

Spring clean

Many of us tend to undertake a spring clean once a year anyway. But right now, there really doesn’t seem to be much reason not to. The spread of a worldwide pandemic means that many of us are now confined to our homes and have a whole lot of spare time on our hands. Rather than facing boredom, why not tackle your spring cleaning now, making your house a more pleasant place to spend all of your time in? Plus, doing it now means you won’t be trying to fit it in around your nine to five when we eventually do get back to work. Now, spring cleaning is more than simply doing the regular chores. It’s a deeper and more thorough clean and will see you tackling areas that may usually get a little neglected. Here are a few areas that you might want to focus on in order to get the most out of your clean and to get your house into the best condition possible!

Cleaning Your Carpets

We tend to think that our carpets are always clean, as we run the vacuum around on a regular basis. But it’s important to remember that vacuums only really pick up surface dirt. They don’t give your carpet the deep clean that it really needs every once in a while. Think about it. You wouldn’t just brush your clothes down or run a lint roller over them after each wear. You need to wash them to really get the dirt out. Carpets come into contact with all sorts of ground in dirt. Whether that’s dirt that people have walked in or dirt that pets have walked in. But you can’t exactly put your carpet in the washing machine, so what should you do? Well, the good news is that professional carpet cleaning machines exist. These generally steam clean your carpets, lifting dirt out of the fibres and leaving them looking brand new. Look into hiring a carpet cleaning machine so you can get the job done properly!

Cleaning Your Shower Curtains

Nowadays, many people have shower screens, as these tend to be a little more hygienic than shower curtains. They’re easy to wipe down and are glass rather than fabric, meaning they don’t tend to harbour quite as much bacteria. If you do have shower curtains, don’t fall prey to the idea that they clean themselves. Just because they have water running down them on a daily basis doesn’t mean that they’re being cleaned. In fact, often, this simply makes a damp area that proves to be a breeding ground for bacteria. Now, cleaning your shower curtain is pretty easy and many of us don’t do it as much as we should. All you have to do is unclip the curtain from your shower rail and put it in your washing machine. Turn the machine on to a warm wash with some detergent and then hang your shower curtain back up to drip dry. It’s as simple as that.

Cleaning Personal Belongings

There tend to be a few personal belongings that we should clean a lot more regularly than we should. That could be a dry brush that we’ve made regular use of, a blanket that we forget to put in the wash, ornaments that we forget to dust off as often as we should… the list goes on. But it’s important to tackle these things. If you’re unsure on how to clean any of your particular belongings safely and effectively, simply look up online tutorials. You can find information on how to clean a one hitter, for example, here.

See Also

Cleaning Your Couch

Your couch is touched all day every day. People sit on it. People put their feet up on it. People rest their faces on the arm rests. Pets jump up onto it. So it’s not all too surprising that they can get pretty dirty pretty quickly. Some couches have removable covers that can be put into the washing machine. These are extremely convenient. But if your cover can’t be removed, you may have to take different approaches. A good approach is to use a handheld garment steam cleaner on the fabric. But if you don’t have a steam cleaner, you can at least use a vacuum to pick up the surface dirt!

These are just the basics of spring cleaning, but it really is a good idea to get started now. Not only will it leave your home looking a lot nicer, but it’s a good way to use your time and occupy your mind during these difficult times!

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