Is There an Age Limit to Rhinoplasty?

Is There an Age Limit to Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, like any other surgery, is a serious procedure and should be approached as such. Contrary to popular belief, rhinoplasty is not strictly for cosmetic purposes but is used to improve breathing in some cases. Often referred to as a nose job, this procedure is facial cosmetic surgery and is implemented to enhance the appearance of the nose but also address its function, so says Miami nose job expert Dr. Marcelo Ghersi. The plastic surgeon will modify the cartilage and or bones, tissue may be added. Rhinoplasty is also performed as reconstructive surgery after injuries. Getting a nose job in Thailand is certainly liked by the Australians because of the low price & the experience the doctors have in Thailand.

The nose is a complex structure, and, in some cases, there may be a need to alter it to improve airflow. The cartilage in the nose that separates the nostrils is called septum. The septum should sit in the middle of the nose evenly; this is not the case for everyone. When the septum is not symmetrically located, this can lead to problems with airflow in the nose; this is called a deviated septum. Septoplasty is the procedure performed to correct a deviated septum.

At what age is it safe to get this procedure?

As children begin going through puberty, they notice changes in their physical appearance and may not agree with the changes. These are cases where cosmetics is the motivation for those under 18 years there are recommended ages and other factors to help the patient and surgeon determine if rhinoplasty is in the best interest of the patient. Regardless of the motivational reasons to undergo rhinoplasty, it is perfectly okay to do you can make yourself happy, and if medically safe rhinoplasty may be the perfect choice for you.

Rhinoplasty should not be performed until the patient has achieved full skeletal maturity. Everyone matures and develops at different ages, and this can vary widely based on many factors. Typically, females tend to grow a little faster the males Most girls get the green light to undergo rhinoplasty around the age of 14, while boys usually around 15. 14 for girls and 15 for boys is the minimum age and can vary widely, so your physician will be able to determine if the patient is a right candidate.


Before the procedure, you will have a consultation meeting with the surgeon to assess the likelihood of the success of the surgery. The surgeon will inquire your motivation for the procedure and what you expect the result to be, and it’s essential to have realistic expectations. The size of your chin will also be discussed; this is due to the fact a small chin tends to make your nose appear to be more significant. In some cases, then it may be recommended getting some additional work done on your chin.

Your past medical history will also be assessed. For example, the surgeon will want to know if you have bleeding disorders that will negatively affect the success of the surgery.

After you and the nose specialist determine you have realistic expectations, pictures of your nose will be taken and analyzed with software tools to give you an idea of results and assess options. The doctor will also want to take pictures for comparison after the procedures.

Now that you and the nose specialist have discussed realistic expectations and have come to a conclusion to move forward with the procedure, you want to arrange someone to pick you up after the surgery, as the effects of the anesthesia may affect your ability to drive for a few days.

What to expect?

Each surgery is a unique experience, and there are no predetermined steps to complete the operation. The complexity of the surgery will determine how much anesthesia is required and if it is to be local or general.

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The rhinoplasty procedure is performed one of two ways, either internally or externally. The surgeon will adjust, remove, and add tissue through a small incision on your nose or from the inside.

Typically, your doctor will use cartilage from elsewhere if necessary. Cartilage may be pulled from other areas in your nose to the desired location or cartilage may be used from different areas on your body. In some cases, the surgeon may have to add implants and bones to achieve the desired look. The surgeon has many options to change the shape of your nose, and all of these will be discussed during the consultation with your doctor.


After the procedure, you will have to get bed rest, with your head elevated to minimize swelling. There will also be congestion, from the swelling and soreness. The surgeon may also place splints and other protective bandages until healing is complete. During the healing phase, blood mucus and other fluids may drain for a few days.

Try and avoid blowing your nose if possible, for fear of damage to the nose. Also, avoid wearing glasses for about a month after the procedure and avoid wearing shirts you have to pull over your head. When brushing your teeth, be extra gentle, especially while brushing your upper teeth. You may also have bruising around the eyes from the procedure, so place ice packs to relieve some of the pain.

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