Mother’s Day & My Mom~Linda Ryan



The above picture is my Mom & myself when my Dad was stationed in Vietnam. I never realized back then that one day, my Mom would be my best friend! My Mom was born in Hornell NY in 1947 (yes she older than she looks)… in Hornell NY area. She is the oldest of the 4 sisters and is just about a month older than my Dad. The Mother of us 3 kids, (I am the oldest, then my brother and my sister). My Mom is the Grandma to 8 grandchildren- 4 girls & 4 boys ranging in ages from 22 down to 11 years of age. Then to top it off my Mom is a Great-Grandma to a 20 month old little girl.

Now that I have given you a little background on her, I want to take a moment to tell you how she has made such an impact on my life!
Looking back when I was a kid I didn’t understand why my Mom had to say no, why we would have to do chores and the importance of the things she taught me. Sometimes I was a brat. For instance, one year she got me a snowsuit- I.LOVED.IT… but it didn’t fit. SO I just zipped it all the way to the top, and refused to get out of it. More or less threw a tantrum-and boy was she mad. I probably looked something like this:


or the time I wanted a gerbil or hamster…. again-threw a fit. Mom had her reasons… and looking back I understand now after raising (almost raising) all 3 of my kids.

My Mom has ALWAYS been there for any of my important times. Whether it was a Chorus Event, or my Graduations from high school and business school. She was there for BOTH of my (that just sounds funny to me), the birth of EACH of my kids (one she and my Dad has to drive over 3 hours to get to), then my Mom stayed the whole first week, I remember crying as she drove away…..

See Also

My Mom has always been there to listen, loved me unconditionally and is one of my best cheerleaders (like a tie with my husband). She encourages me in all that I do. If I had too many candles to pour? Who showed up to help? My Mom. During my many times in the hospital whether it was my leg issues, among others-there she sat by my side. Now that I have moved on from my candle business to my web hosting/designs and blogging-she still encourages & supports me; even though she doesn’t understand it. lol.. my silly Mom.

From my Mom I have learned to love my children; unconditionally. When the going gets tough; the tough get tougher. And no matter what NEVER GIVE UP. I will love her forever and on this Mother’s Day; even if I can’t get her the ‘best gift ever’… I will spend Sunday with her and celebrate Mother’s Day AND her 65th birthday. My only hope is I can look as young as she does when I am her age! I love you Mom; more than ever!

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