Robo-dog Airborne Review

Robo-dog Airborne


Disclosure: I received this movie in order to facilitate my review, all opinions are my own.

Growing up, I loved movies like Inspector Gadget. When I saw the cover to Robo-Dog: Airborne, I knew that my son and I needed to watch it together. Although this movie is unique, it immediately reminded me of one of my favorite childhood movies, but with the added bonus of having an adorable dog!


It’s Adorable

What’s not to love about an adorable dog that has some robotic parts? I especially love how many friendships are developed in Robo-Dog: Airborne. It’s great to see so much love between owner and animal.


It’s Adventurous

In this movie, Robo-Dog has an accident that prompts a fun adventure. My son and I laughed our way through most of Robo-Dog’s adventures. It was a great time!


I would recommend Robo-Dog: Airborne for any family that loves fun, adventure, and animals.

Robo-Dog Review



“Go fetch” reaches new heights when Robo-Dog: Airborne arrives on DVD, Digital HD and On Demand on March 14 from Lionsgate. When the world’s most advanced K-9 loses his family and his memory chip, it’s up to his best friend Tyler and his scientist dad to find Robo-Dog and bring him home! In this sequel to 2015’s family filmRobo-Dog, Robo-Dog: Airborne “is encouraging and inspirational for young and old alike” (The Dove Foundation). Awarded the Dove Family Seal of Approval, the DVD features limited-edition packaging, the “Ruff Cut: Behind the Scenes of Robo-Dog: Airborne” featurette, and TV’s “Minuscule” bonus episodes. The Robo-Dog: AirborneDVD will be available for the suggested retail price of $19.98.



Meet Robo-Dog, the world’s coolest pet. He can run super-fast, grow a bionic arm, talk, and even fly! After creating the perfect pooch for his son Tyler, genius dad Tom (Patrick Muldoon, “Days of Our Lives”) gets called away. When Tyler and his wacky nerd friend Barry head off to a science fair, Robo-Dog runs away and has his memory chip erased. After starting a new life with a computer whiz and his adorable daughter, will this high-tech terrier ever find his way home to his rightful master?



  • “Ruff Cut: Behind the Scenes of Robo-Dog: Airborne” Featurette
  • TV’s “Minuscule” Bonus Episodes

o   “A Cruel World”

o   “Insect High Velocity”

o   “A Rolling Snail Gathers No Moss”

o   “Infernal Anthill”



Jonathan Silverman                TV’s “The Single Guy,” Weekend at Bernie’s

See Also
kutipan anekdot tersebut tergolong ke dalam bagian

Patrick Muldoon                       Stigmata, Starship Troopers

Michael Campion                     Netflix’s “Fuller House”


Year of Production: 2016

Title Copyright: © 2016 Prism Pictures, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Type: Home Entertainment Premiere

Rating: G

Genre: Family

Closed-Captioned: English

Subtitles: English, Spanish

Feature Run Time: 88 minutes

DVD Format: 16×9 Widescreen 1.78:1 Presentation

DVD Audio: English 5.1 Dolby Digital Audio

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