The Look and Feel of Your Home: 5 Steps to Take When Installing Siding to Your House

home siding

For many homeowners, vinyl siding is the only way to go for exteriors. And why not? Not only does siding look great, but it can improve the feel of a home. Homeowners who opt for siding don’t usually want the expense of concrete composite products or wood. Siding is also great for homeowners who don’t want to repair or repaint their homes periodically.

Siding comes in practically an almost infinite number of colors and textures. Another essential benefit of siding is that it is relatively easy to put up. If you decide it’s too big a job for you, contact a national home improvement company. This is how to put up siding without help.

How to Install Siding

Just as in many projects, it is best to assemble all of the needed tools and supplies before a siding job is done. The most often required tools include a hammer, measuring tape, a level, a utility knife, saw, a hacksaw, pliers, a ladder, sawhorses, and a crowbar.

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One all of these tools are assembled, the steps to install siding are as follows:

  1. Measure and Cut Soffit Pieces. First, soffit pieces must be cut. Soffits are, of course, the undersides of the eaves. Since siding comes typically in large, long pieces, these elements must be cut to fit. These pieces must be cut to fit about 1/4 of an inch shorter to expand during the hotter months of the year.
  2. Put Up Corner Posts. Foam sheaving strips need to be installed on each side of every corner. Corner posts should be about 3/4 of an inch below the starter strip’s bottom, just under the eaves.
  3. Cover the Siding and Fascia Area. Put up the lengths of J0–channel strips against the fascia board. These will cover the length of soffit where they meet the fascia. These should all have slots, eliminating a lot of guesswork when it comes to putting them up. Further, the J-channel will help to conceal the cut edges of the soffits. This will give them all a waterproof seal.
  4. Put Up the Wall Siding. Before the siding is put up, make sure any insulation that is needed is installed. Measure and cut all the lengths of siding required. This should be done so that each end is about 1/4 inch shy of the vertical edge. Nails should not be driven into the siding to allow for movement in changing weather.
  5. Make Panels Overlap. When putting up the siding, there should be about one inch of overlap in the siding panels. This eliminates the problem of wasted panels, which can end up costing a lot of money needlessly. This should be done on the side of a home that is least obvious.

When installation comes to a door or a window, sections will need to be cut to be fitted on top and below. This can be done easily by holding a paneling piece below the window or door and making a mark on the panel to the width. The height will also need to be measured. After these cuts are made they can be installed. Installing siding isn’t an easy job, but it isn’t that difficult either.  Fortunately, it’s one of those things where the result will reflect the effort that went into it.

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