Three Healthy Self-Care Habits For Winter

Three Healthy Self-Care Habits For Winter

Winter can be a trying season you aren’t fully prepared for the cold, dark days. From cultivating a healthy attitude to ensuring that your body is ready for the challenges presented by the colder months, these tips will help you have a healthier, cozier winter.

Opt For Warm Seasonal Meals 

This may seem an obvious point, but preparing warm food is not always terribly convenient if you work. Many of us keep eating our favorite summer staples like sandwiches and salads throughout the winter months, despite the fact that the ingredients are not in season and so harder to come by. Of course, taking a cold lunch to work is easier than preparing a bowl of lentil soup, but it probably won’t warm your body from the inside, and it certainly won’t help you endure the cold on your commute later on.

Meal Prep 

The secret to keeping warming, nourishing meals on your menu all winter long is meal-prep. If you’re lucky enough to have lots of space in your freezer, you can prepare big batches of stews and soups which can be portioned out and frozen in freezer bags. Your morning lunch prep comes down to simply grabbing a freezer bag of soup and perhaps picking up a hot bread roll on your way to work. You can do this some meal prep weeks ahead of time, or you can cook up a storm at the weekends. 

Three Healthy Self-Care Habits For Winter

Image Source: Pexels CC0 Licence 

Listen to Your Body 

The winter months can be hard going, even if you start the season fit and healthy. It’s important to take good care of your health and pay close attention to the various aches and pains that are your body’s way of telling you what it needs. If you feel the flu coming on—that telltale scratchy throat and rising fever—now is not the time to head out and shovel snow in your driveway. Rather, call a snow removal service and head to bed with a warm cup of cocoa! When you’re feeling ill, it’s important to drink plenty of fluids, and try to keep your temperature constant. If you realize that you may be falling ill and you manage to catch it in time, you could be able to side-step the illness if you give your immune system a little extra help.  

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Move Your Body Every Day 

Yes, even if it’s cold outside! Exercise is a brilliant way to stay warm in winter and limber through the winter. That said, you simply won’t always want to do it when it’s cold outside. Your body might protest at the simple suggestion of striding out for a brisk walk, especially once those daylight hours start to rapidly decrease. If you can force yourself to head out of the house every day, even if it’s just for a stroll around the neighborhood, your mood stands to benefit greatly. 

 Whether you dread the winter or consider yourself a snow queen, these tips will help you stay healthy and warm this season. 


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