Time Spent with the Talented Cast of Bizaardvark #BizaardvarkEvent

cast of bizaardvark

While I was on our trip to LA for the #FindingDoryEvent (June 7-9)…

We had the pleasure as a group to interview the cast from the new show “Bizaardvark”.

“Bizaardvark” moves to its regular timeslot with the telecast of its second episode “Draw My Life,” on SUNDAY, JULY 10 (8:30 p.m. EDT) on Disney Channel.

bizaardvark cast interview
Image Credit: Ruth Veltoro @ www.vivaveltoro.com

They were such an exciting group of kids, and you could feel their love for their show throughout the interview.

If you haven’t read my post about being “Behind the Scenes on the Set of Bizaardvark #BizaardvarkEvent” you can do so to get a feel of what it is like behind the scenes.

Before we toured the set we had the pleasure of listening to the executive producerย Eric Friedman. He has been working with kid type shows for the last ten years. ย He loves the cast of Bizaardvark and feels that this is one of the best shows he has produced. ย Eric was brought on after the pilot was created. ย He has also produced Austin and Alley, I’m in the Band and Crash & Bernstein, just to name a few.

After he was done he took us on a tour of the set along with us being able to see the cast practice some of their scenes. ย I enjoyed watching this as it is so different to me than when I went on set for Captain America: Winter Soldier. ย I think because Bizaardvark is a TV show and obviously CA was a movie set.

Bizaardvark- Draw my Life

The cast that we interviewed included:

Madison Hu as "Frankie Wong" Olivia Rodrigo as Paige Olvera
Image Credit: Ruth Veltoro @ www.vivaveltoro.com
  • Madison Huย as “Frankie Wong”

Madison is a talented actor who plays guitar, piano and sings. ย She enjoys ad-libbing during rehearsals and when you watch the show you won’t even know she did. ย Since Madison is still in school she does ‘homeschool’ on set with all but Jake Paul as he has graduated high school already.

  • Olivia Rodrigo as Paige Olvera

Olivia plays opposite of Madison Hu. ย They are best friends in the show and feel very close off of the show. She also plays the guitar, piano and sings like Madison but says that Madison is much better at all of those things than herself.ย School is always the priority when it comes to their acting.

DeVore Ledridge
Image Credit: Ruth Veltoro @ www.vivaveltoro.com
  • DeVore Ledridge as “Amelia Duckworth”

As a child DeVore loved make-up and dressing up. ย She did try to have a YouTube channel at one time for doing make-up (like her character now) but felt silly and so she stopped doing it. ย She did mention she might try her hand at it again in the future. Her character is a little more flashy than herself but one thing they have in common is the make-up so this part that she plays is “perfect” for her.

Jake & Ethan from Bizaardvark

  • Jake Paul as “Dirk Mann” (upper left)

In real life, Jake Paul’s Vine accountย has nearly 5ย million followers, and all of his other social-media efforts are really popular, with his Instagram account boasting almost 2 million fans. He enjoys being a part of this show and feels very close to the other cast members. He loves how he came into this show from being on Vine and it all fits right in. Jake said that if you are thinking of having your own YouTube channel or something like that it is important to find your niche. It is important for branding yourself and be consistent. ย Whether it is once a week or each day, your audience will count on that.

  • Ethan Wacker as Bernie Schotz (upper right)

Ethan someday wants to be a stuntman, so he enjoys watching the stunts/dare’s that Jake Paul’s character does on the show. ย Unlike his character he prides himself on being somewhat athletic, a trait his character lacks. Ethan has also started his own YouTube channel with a few of his friends and is learning a lot from Jake. ย Ethan was also in โ€œK.C. Undercover and Miles From Tomorrowland.

See Also
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BIZAARDVARK - "Draw My Life"

About the show:

The live-action comedy follows Paige and Frankie, quirky best friends who write funny songs and create music comedy videos for their online channel, โ€œBizaardvark.โ€ Now with 10,000 subscribers, the girls are invited to produce videos at the influential Vuuugle Studios. In this cool ย environment โ€” and with the help of their friend and aspiring agent Bernie and fellow Vuuugle stars Dirk (of โ€œDare Me Bro!โ€) and Amelia (of โ€œPerfect Perfection with Ameliaโ€) โ€” the duo embark on comedic adventures in their quest to take the video blogging world by storm.

cast of bizaardvark

“Bizaardvark” moves to its regular timeslot with the telecast of its second episode “Draw My Life,” on SUNDAY, JULY 10 (8:30 p.m. EDT) on Disney Channel. In this new episode, Amelia gives Frankie and Paige tips to produce their next video, which has to tell the story of how the two met and created their channel. Meanwhile, Bernie tries to help Dirk overcome his worse fear.

**Disney sent me to Los Angeles ย for theย #FindingDoryEvent #BizaardvarkEvent and #LEGOFreemakerEvent ย for an all expenses paid trip to cover press with 24 other bloggers. ย All opinions are mine.**

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