Tips For Accelerating Your Safe-Driving Practices


As a driver, you probably dread that moment when the unexpected greets you as you round a bend: A dog bounds from behind a fence; a car in front slams on the brakes; or an oncoming motorist forgets to dim the headlights. If you are lucky, you come out of the situation unscathed. Move beyond luck, however, by taking measures to become a better driver. Negotiate these proactive safe driving strategies, and you will wake up to drive another day in a dent-free car.

Return To Basics

Over 220 million drivers are licensed to barrel down U.S. roads in any given year. Just as amazing as that statistic sounds, it also reflects the number of different driving styles you are likely to encounter. Unfortunately, these differing approaches to addressing driving rules and expectations lead to accidents. You can address this concern by doing the following:

  • Studying your states driverโ€™s manual
  • Obeying all driving rules yourself
  • Keeping both hands on the wheel
  • Researching and retaining a strong car accident attorney

It is easy to become too relaxed when driving. The driving methods you learned in driverโ€™s training are still relevant to experienced drivers.

Practice Defensive Driving

The most important approach to staying safe on the road is to use driving tactics that help prevent collisions and other accidents. That approach starts before you turn over the starter; never climb behind the wheel after drinking, when taking medications that cause dizziness or following a night of little sleep. Adjust your mirrors and seat so they are positioned optimally for you.

When you get on the road, scan your mirrors constantly so that you are aware of the traffic around you. Assume other drivers will make mistakes, and be prepared to react, as for example when you approach a car inching out from a side street. Make eye contact so that you know the other driver is aware of your presence. Avoid driving aggressively, including speeding and tailgating. Though long-term motorcycle owners are usually the first ones to employ defensive-driving methods, these tactics work for those in automobiles as well.

Enroll In A Safe-Driving Course

Many companies offer advanced-control safe-driving courses. Participants usually bring their own cars to a racecourse or expansive parking lot so they can practice high-speed accident-avoidance maneuvers. The instructors will teach you to swerve efficiently around cones, push your car into a drift, apply your brakes effectively and perform other split-second actions that mimic what can happen on the open road.

See Also

These courses are effective resources with which novice drivers can accelerate their acquisition of safe-driving skills before they experience an ice patch or a child running into the road. They are also invaluable classes for any drivers who may have little real-world experience in accident avoidance. As a benefit, course completion can lead to reductions in car insurance premiums.

Donโ€™t wait for the inevitable surprise that can happen any time you pull out of your driveway or neighborhood parking lot. When you push the gas pedal of your car, you are propelling a heavy object into fast-moving traffic. By taking safe-driving precautions, you can keep that mass, your passengers and yourself out of trouble.

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