Tips for Test Driving

Tips for Test Driving

If you’re shopping for a new suit or pair of shoes, your best bet is to go ahead and try them on. You make sure to wear the right socks or undershirt and spend a few minutes walking around, getting a feel for your prospective new duds. Maybe you sit down, to make sure the pants don’t ride up too much or wiggle your toes to make sure you have enough space. This kind of thing might seem like a no-brainer after all, quality clothes and shoes are an investment. Other investments you want to try out first: cars.

Just like you wouldn’t buy a new pair of shoes without making sure that they work for you, you should never buy a new car without taking it for a thorough test drive. However, making sure a car is right for you is a little more complicated than making sure you wear the right socks. If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed about car shopping or an upcoming test drive, check out our tips for a thorough, stress-free test drive and details you might not otherwise notice.


  • Call ahead: Many dealerships allow you to call ahead and schedule a test drive. This can ensure that your wait time is lessened, sometimes considerably. Selecting the models you’d like to test beforehand can help you go into the situation with a clear plan, and keep you from getting distracted or overwhelmed by the number of options you’ll see while wandering around the showroom or lot.
  • Do your research: Are there certain features you can’t live without? Maybe you experience yearly snow and prefer heated seats, or perhaps your long commutes make satellite radio a must-have. If you have a model or two in mind, experts at Sheridan Ford recommend that you check out the trim levels and available features. Some vehicles will come with a lot of standard features on base models, while others will increase in price with every feature you add on. This could make all the difference if you’re caught between two vehicles.
  • Take measurements: Just like you wouldn’t want to try on a pair of shoes with no socks, only to bring them home and find that they don’t fit over your favorite wool stockings, you’ll want to make sure that your new car can fit everything you’ll need to pack inside it. If you have a child seat, bring it along to make sure that it fits securely. Consider measuring gear like skis or golf clubs to ensure that the new vehicle has adequate space. Another measurement to keep in mind is the size of your driveway, garage or parking space.
  • Keep your comfort in mind: When you’re sitting in the car, pay close attention to your personal comfort. Most people spend a considerable amount of time in their vehicle, so it’s important to have high standards when it comes to your comfort. On a test drive, you might tell yourself that you could get used to not having an armrest, or a seat that doesn’t move quite as far forward or backward as you like, but a few weeks down the road those little things can become huge annoyances, and lead to buyer’s remorse.
  • Take your time: Don’t feel rushed to move from test drive to purchase too quickly. Remember, even the most helpful salesperson is trying to sell you something, and it can be easy to get caught up in new car excitement and the pressure they’ll put on you to commit to a vehicle. Don’t be afraid to say that you have another appointment that you need to get to, or that you’re waiting to test one more car somewhere else. Even if these things aren’t true, it can be a good idea to take a little space and consider your options without a salesperson over your shoulder, or a tempting, shiny new car right in front of you.


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Buying a new car is probably one of the biggest investments you’ll make, so it’s incredibly important to make sure you’re absolutely in love with the vehicle you decide to purchase. Use these tips to make sure that you get the most out of your test drive, and can make the most informed decision you can. After all, you’d probably do it for a pair of shoes, so why should your car be any different?

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