What Vitamins and Minerals Do Older Men Need?

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As men get older, they can forget they may need to adjust their dietary intake to ensure theyโ€™re getting all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and supplements to keep them healthy and going strong for as long as possible. Whatโ€™s more is there are simply so many supplements, minerals, and vitamins available that it can be more than a little confusing knowing which to focus on. Not to worry, hereโ€™s a guide to get you started.

Take a Personalized Approach

One of the first things to know about the best supplements for men over 40 or 50 is that itโ€™s best to take a personalized approach to the matter. Every manโ€™s body is different, which means every manโ€™s dietary needs are different. Getting a check-up with your doctor and consulting with a nutritionist or dietician will give you a solid idea of which vitamins, minerals, and supplements you lack to operate at your full potential. That way, you arenโ€™t wasting time and money on products you donโ€™t really need.

Vitamin D

Having low testosterone is a concern for men of nearly every age, but especially so for older men. Getting enough vitamin D in your diet could help ensure your testosterone levels remain healthy. Testosterone is essential to everything from sleep and metabolism to libido and vitality. Besides testosterone levels, vitamin D also helps ensure calcium is absorbed and maintained in the blood.


Boron is a trace mineral and one of the best supplements for men over 50. The mineral supports immune system response, bone health, prostate health, and overall brain function. Prunes, raisins, almonds, and chickpeas are great sources of the mineral, as is an overall diet packed with plenty of fruits and vegetables.


Nerve function, blood glucose, and protein synthesis are just a few of the bodily functions that depend on magnesium. The mineral has also shown evidence of supporting proper blood levels in testosterone and muscular health. Specifically, magnesium is found in bananas, black beans, spinach, and almonds.

See Also


Omega-3 is a fatty acid thatโ€™s instrumental when it comes to the joint, brain, and cardiovascular health. Chances are, youโ€™ve heard you should include plenty of omega-3 in your daily diet. Another reason the fatty acid is a necessary part of your diet is the fact that itโ€™s needed to balance out the harmful omega-6 fatty acids you take in from refined vegetable oils. Besides fish, other viable sources of omega-3 include walnuts and flaxseeds.

Take steps to get the right supplements, vitamins, and minerals in your diet. Your body and mind appreciate it at every age.

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