Ways to Get Tighter, Healthier Skin Without Surgery

Healthier Skin

If you think you need a facelift or other surgery to fix sagging skin, you might be right. However, you could also be wrong. In this day and age, there are a lot of clinical procedures that can help with sagging skin and wrinkles besides surgery. Therefore, before you go under a surgeons knife, you need to carefully examine all of your skin tightening options.

Why Surgery is Not Always the Best Skin Tightening Choice

You might wonder why you shouldn’t head straight in for surgery to repair wrinkled or sagging skin. There are a few reasons. One of the biggest is convenience. Another is the budget. Surgery is time-consuming and expensive. You may also not like the risks associated with anesthesia. Additionally, surgery can require a lot of recovery time. All of those are large investments and risks you may not want to deal with, and you may not have to if you qualify for alternative skin tightening treatments.

Topical Creams to Help You Keep Your Skin Tight

In sharp contrast to surgery, the application of topical creams to your skin is one of the easiest skin tightening solutions. However, it is also one of the mildest. Most topical creams and lotions are better used in preventative ways or after other skin-tightening procedures to keep your skin from loosening again too soon. You can purchase topical creams over-the-counter or get prescription medicated creams. The biggest challenge when using them is remembering to apply them diligently as directed.

Treatment with Lasers for Skin Tightening

If you already have several small to mid-depth wrinkles or mild sagging, you may be a good candidate for laser skin tightening. Those in the skincare profession have used cosmetic-laser procedures for many purposes over the years. One of the most popular is skin tightening. Laser skin tightening treatments do need to be repeated traditionally, but each appointment is short, so they are still convenient. You might only spend an hour or less at the clinic each time you have a treatment.

To be a good candidate for laser skin tightening, your wrinkles or sags must fall in the moderate or mild range. Your skin also has to be treatable with lasers. Your skincare clinician may recommend against laser treatment if you are at a higher risk for burns due to extra oily skin, for example. If you are a good candidate, the laser will help you by triggering healing inside your skin cells primarily in the form of increased collagen and restoration of existing collagen.

Radio Frequency Treatment to Tighten Your Skin

Radiofrequency treatment is another option you can use to tighten your skin, as long as the sagging is not yet severe. The skin is tightened because the radio frequency used is able to get certain cellular materials to contract, or draw closer together. It often goes by the industry name Thermage. Early radiofrequency treatment was somewhat invasive, but it has been around for more than a decade now. In that time, there have been advancements in how the procedure is performed. Today it is practically painless. Once the initial treatment is done, radiofrequency procedures also typically need to be repeated less often than many other forms of skin tightening.

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In this context, you can go for a Morpheus8 skin tightening treatment that produces the desired results on different skin types and conditions. It helps in firming sagged, loose and wrinkles infested facial, neck and abdomen skin which are mostly affected by age, through clinically proven non-invasive radiofrequency needling methods.

UltraSound Procedures for Tighter, Healthier Skin

Like radiofrequency, ultrasound therapy is a form of sound wave treatment. The ultrasound waves are able to penetrate deep into your skin. The lowest layers are heated up, causing collagen contraction. As the collagen contracts, your skin cells become tighter. Production of additional collagen is also triggered by the treatment.

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