4 Steps To Entertain The Expectant Mother

4 Steps To Entertain The Expectant Mother

Pregnancy comes with limitations which might mean a major overhaul in lifestyle for some expectant mothers. Not to mention the many changes in preferences and activity level brought about by the rollercoaster of emotions thanks to pregnancy hormones. But while there are activities that pregnant women should avoid or limit, there are also a lot of other things to try to keep them entertained and happy during the pregnancy.

Do you know someone who is expecting? Try out our suggestions below:

  1. Schedule A Spa Day

For the next 9 months, pregnant women will be experiencing countless bodily changes, from the head down to the toes. This can include hair fall, drying skin, and brittle nails, among others. They may moan and groan about aches and pains all over the body, and might even suddenly cry for whatever reason. Don’t be too alarmed— it’s just the pregnancy hormones. A little pampering might be in order, so how about scheduling a spa day for some relaxation time? There’s an extra person growing in that pregnant belly, a spa day is definitely something well-deserved!

2. Plan A Surprise Baby Shower

A baby shower is a great way to get your family and friends together and celebrate the pregnancy. However, planning one can be taxing, and your pregnant partner may not have a lot of energy to really get right to it. Surprise her with a baby shower, instead! Enlist the help of your family members and closest friends, and put together an awesome baby boy or baby girl shower which can also double as a gender reveal party that can knock her socks off. It’s definitely going to be one of the highlights of her pregnancy!

     3.  Introduce A New Hobby

Pregnant women can easily gain weight and turn into a couch potato if left to just watch daytime soaps on TV all day, which won’t be good for both her and the baby. Also, doing the same activities day in and day out can be mind-numbing. Try introducing a new hobby that she can do with her free time instead. If she’s always wanted to learn a new recipe, or even a new language, encourage this. Not only will a new hobby be a source of entertainment during pregnancy, but it’s also a wise investment with time.

4.  Set A Day For Creativity

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There’s a lot to prepare before the baby arrives, so why not get started on all the creative projects you’ve both had in mind to create for the new addition to the family? Prepare knitting materials in advance, or finally bring out the materials you bought months ago for the baby’s crib. Or decorate the baby’s room with some soft curtains and twinkly lights for happy dreams at night. Set aside a day to get all the creative juices flowing to help take her mind off all the kicks that the growing baby seems to be practicing at a more constant rate every day.

Pregnancy comes with some dos and don’ts, so expectant mothers may sometimes feel restricted – and they shouldn’t be! With the right kind of activities, they can be entertained and kept happy for the remainder of their pregnancy.


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