How To Get To The Bottom Of Your Medical Woes

How To Get To The Bottom Of Your Medical Woes

We will all get sick a few times in our lives. Mostly, these will be harmless colds and flu that we can quickly overcome. Sometimes, things might be more serious, and we will have to go to a doctor or hospital for medication and treatment. But what happens if you feel ill, and no one is completely sure why? Doctors donโ€™t know all the answers and, sometimes, they can be completely stumped when they see some symptoms together.How To Get To The Bottom Of Your Medical Woes

Being ill and not knowing why can be very frustrating and demoralizing. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. If you find that you are ill for no apparent reason, there are certain things you can do to help with the diagnosis process. It can take time and a lot of effort, but if you are proactive about your illness, you will get answers sooner rather than later. So how do you go about finding the cause of your symptoms? Here is a step-by-step guide to finding all the answers.

How To Get To The Bottom Of Your Medical Woes

Speak To Your Doctor

As soon as you feel sick, book an appointment with your family doctor. Chat to them about all the symptoms that youโ€™ve been experiencing. They will then be able to paint a picture of your bodyโ€™s current health. They will also try and see if there are any patterns to your symptoms. If they have seen anything like this before in another patientโ€™s case, it will help them to correctly diagnose you. If a doctor isnโ€™t too sure what is wrong with you, they will begin to eliminate any ideas that they have. There are many diseases and illnesses that are diagnosed this way, such as MS. Once they narrow down the list of possible illnesses, they will have a better idea of what is wrong with you. However, the unfortunate truth is that doctors arenโ€™t always able to correctly diagnose you. Luckily, though, this rarely happens. However, if you find your doctor is finding it tricky to determine the cause of your symptoms, itโ€™s time to follow the next few steps.

How To Get To The Bottom Of Your Medical Woes

Ask For A Second Opinion

Donโ€™t be afraid to see another doctor regarding your problems. Doctors are only human, so some can often overlook specific symptoms which others might see straight away. If you think you should see another doctor, it is best to do so right away. If you leave things too late, your illness could become much worse and even potentially life threatening. When you book an appointment with your second doctor, let them know that you have already seen someone about this illness. So that they have an idea of your situation. As this second doctor is not likely to be your usual family doctor, you should take your familyโ€™s medical records with you. This will give them a picture of any previous health issues and any diseases that run in the family.

How To Get To The Bottom Of Your Medical Woes

Ask To See A Consultant

Sometimes there can be no answers, no matter how many doctors you see. If you seem to be going back and forth between doctors, you should ask to see a consultant. The knowledge gap between a general practitioner and a consultant can be huge. And itโ€™s all because consultants are specialists in their subject. A consultant is a general practitioner who has gone on to specialize in one certain aspect of the body. People such as gynecologists, pediatricians, and nephrologists are all consultants. A gynecologist focuses on womenโ€™s health. Pediatricians look into childrenโ€™s health issues; nephrologists are kidney specialists. There are many different specialists, one for every aspect of healthcare. So you will definitely be able to find someone who has a lot of knowledge depending on where in the body your symptoms are. The only downside to seeing a consultant is that they are incredibly busy, so the wait could be a long one.

How To Get To The Bottom Of Your Medical Woes

See What Dr. Google Says

Many doctors are against patients googling their symptoms. This is only because it can turn them into hypochondriacs and panic them more than they should be. Usually, our symptoms are signs of a passing bug or virus, but can be quick to tell you otherwise. However, if you have already been to see a doctor and consultant, and still have no diagnosis, it could be worth having a quick look online. See if anyone else has had the same experience as you. Often, when people are going through a difficult time, they will blog about it on the internet. There are also quite a few message boards for sufferers of rare illnesses. If you google your symptoms, you may be lead to one of these sites where you can chat to other people about their experiences getting diagnosed.

How To Get To The Bottom Of Your Medical Woes

Think Of Alternatives

Are you becoming increasingly annoyed by the traditional route of being diagnosed? There are some alternatives you could consider. If you think you may have a heart condition, then you could see about being examined with an Abbot Electrophysiology machine. This equipment is a new way of checking the body for any ailments caused by heart and cardiac problems. You can find out more about this method online: There are also other cutting-edge machines that are used to check for other problems with different organs. These arenโ€™t so readily used by doctors and hospitals. If you are interested in being examined by one, you should speak to your doctor and request an examination.

See Also

Which Illnesses Are Often Misdiagnosed?

As mentioned before, it isnโ€™t always easy for a doctor to figure out what is wrong with you. When it comes to some diseases and illnesses, it can be especially trickier. This is due to the symptoms that they cause and the way the illness manifests itself in the body. Want to know which some of the most misdiagnosed illnesses are? Here are the ones you need to watch out for.

  • Lupus

In most cases, it can take years to diagnose lupus. This autoimmune disease can not be diagnosed by one test, so doctors have to get creative when trying to diagnose it. But that isnโ€™t the only reason it is so tricky for doctors to notice. One of the most annoying things about lupus is that it has the same symptoms as many other, much more common, diseases. It also comes and goes over time. So a patient can be very ill for a week before being right as rain for a month or two before their next bout of lupus. There are a few tests that a doctor will carry out to try and diagnose lupus. The most common are lumbar punctures, urine examinations, and checking for fluid around the lungs and heart.

  • Lyme Disease

We get Lyme disease from tick bites. However, there is still a lot that we do not know about this disease. To make matters worse, there is no conclusive way to test for it. People are often treated for Lyme disease before they are officially diagnosed with it. This is because it can be a very serious illness and the wait for a diagnosis can waste time. The most common way to see if a patient is suffering from Lyme disease is to carry out a blood test. The test tries to see if there are any bacteria that cause the illness in the patientโ€™s blood system. However, this isnโ€™t always conclusive.

  • Fibromyalgia

As with many hard-to-diagnose illnesses, there is no specific test to help diagnose fibromyalgia. This illness causes pain all over the body as well as difficulty sleeping and muscle stiffness. The symptoms can often be misdiagnosed. Because other illnesses and include widespread pain, stiffness, and fatigue. During diagnosis, a doctor will try and rule out more common illnesses that could be causing the symptoms. One illness that fibromyalgia is often confused with is MS. And also rheumatoid arthritis, and chronic fatigue syndrome. One of the main ways a doctor can tell if it is really fibromyalgia is if the patient has had severe pain in different areas of the body for at least a month.

how to get to the bottom of your medical woes

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Sufferers of chronic fatigue syndrome feel extremely tired all the time. It isnโ€™t just something they can shake off by getting a good nightโ€™s rest. Once again, this illness does not have a definitive test to diagnose it. It often takes a long time to diagnose the syndrome as doctors will have to rule out other possibilities first. Blood tests, urine tests, and various scans will be used in the diagnosis period. The doctor could diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome if the symptoms persist. But only If there is no reason the patient has one of the other possible illnesses.

Life with a chronic disease can be very debilitating. However, if you have a chronic disease and it goes undiagnosed, things can be much worse. So it is important to see your doctor as soon as symptoms begin. If they are unable to find a cause, hopefully, this blog post will help you find the answer that you need.

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