Pet Shop Prowess – Preparing to be a First-Time Pet Owner

Pet Shop Prowess - Preparing to be a First-Time Pet Owner

Preparing to become a pet owner is much like preparing to become a parent, and some pet owners take it so far as to treat their dogs like children. Deciding to invite a new little pet into your home takes careful consideration. You need to make sure that you are prepared for them and that you are able to provide everything they need. Know what you are capable of providing and then choose the best pet for you.

Don’t Kid Yourself

The worst thing you can do is convince yourself that you will be able to wake up at 5 am every morning to take your new border collie running because you only have a small apartment but really want to get that breed of dog. Pick the right pet for your situation and lifestyle. If you already get up and 5 am and run every morning, and that has been a part of your lifestyle for years, then maybe you should get an active breed of dog that will complement your lifestyle. But if you struggle to get up before 9 am and think that having a dog who needs a lot of exercises is going to change your habits, think again.

Be Prepared

Scar said it and made it sound terrifying for everyone involved at Pride Rock, but it is important that you are prepared for the arrival of your little critter to make the transition from their mother, or the pet shop, to your house as smooth as possible. At first, they will be terrified and might want to just hide under a table or couch until they start to feel comfortable enough to come out. This is particularly true if you decide to get a cat – don’t expect to see it for the first few days. But ensure that you have the essentials ready to go. Get onto a good pet shop online and buy the basics, ensuring that you have a bed for them (whether they decide to use it or not to begin with), a food bowl and water bowl, plenty of food to go in said food bowl – and make sure that you have appropriate food for their age. Pups need a dog food that is high in good fats and so need specific dog food.

Vet Bills

Depending on the type of pet you decide on, getting a new pet can be an expensive venture, so it’s best for you to have a little money put away to cover any upfront costs, injections, flea and worm treatments, microchips, desexing and shots that your new pet might need. It’s better to have some money tucked away then to be left completely broke and caught off guard by the costs associated with being a pet owner.

Special Toys

This is something that is easily overlooked but can make a huge difference to your new pet’s level of comfort and ease of transition into their new home. Buying your little pet a special toy can make them feel safe and secure and gives them something that they can put their scent all over that won’t be washed (often anyway) and that will be all theirs. Having something that is their own in a new foreign house full of stuff that doesn’t belong to them or that they can’t touch, will make them feel special and safe. So, find a nice little stuffed toy that will make them feel at home. Plus, you can get some very cute photos of your new pet and their best dog toys.


See Also

The most important thing is to show your new pet a lot of love. Be patient with them and help them ease into their new home. It can be a difficult transition so give them the support they need.


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