Postpartum Worries: You’re More Than “Mama”!

Postpartum Worries: You're More Than "Mama"!

Iโ€™m going to preface this blog by first saying:

How you feel about your post-baby body is totally valid

Now we have got that out of the way, letโ€™s talk about that! You have grown a person. A whole, tiny little human. This has caused your body to change. Yes, you may have more weight on your body than you would like, but you have changed. Your pelvis and your posture are all completely different than you are used to, and this takes time to work on. So, if you are here looking to get your groove back after a baby, to fit into your clothes once more, be kind to yourself. You have performed miracles, Mama.ย 

That said, it doesn’t mean that โ€œMamaโ€ is all you are. You may be looking forward to getting out on the town with your friends. Perhaps you and your partner want to go on a date and toast to being parents at last. You deserve to feel as beautiful as you are right now, newborn or not. So, you don’t fit into your waspish-waisted jeans? Thatโ€™s okay! There are plenty of plus size online boutiques who can cater to your post-baby shape out there. This means you can feel beautiful, look beautiful and regain some of that confidence you may have lost now youโ€™re a new mother.

Girl, you need to give yourself some confidence, and below, weโ€™ve put together some of our favorite tips to help you to regain some of the โ€œyouโ€ that you were before you also gained the โ€œMamaโ€ label.

See Also

  • Take a little time to get used to how you look. Stand in the mirror and smile that your stomach held and grew your baby. Smile at the extra weight knowing you were a human incubator who birthed a baby – you deserve a medal!
  • Have a goal in mind when you look for clothes. You want things that fit – no matter what the labels say. So, find the clothes you love for your date and wear them with pride.ย 
  • Fake it if you must. You may not feel particularly confident, but you should absolutely fake it. The more you fake it, the better itโ€™ll feel and eventually it wonโ€™t be fake anymore.
  • Get to know whatโ€™s changed about your body. It can help to read about what hormones are ricocheting around, and what breastmilk does to the boobs. It can also help to read about how most things go back to normal after the first year.
  • Put on a face or get your hair done. A little pampering goes a long way, but if you canโ€™t get out to the salon to get something primped or preened, then do it at home! Itโ€™s so much easier to breastfeed with a hair mask on at home! Pop your feet in a foot spa and do a home pedicure. Ideally, get out to the beauty salon, but it isn’t always possible early on!

Thereโ€™s going to be a day soon enough where you will wonder why you worried so much – itโ€™ll come, Mama, itโ€™ll come.


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