5 Common Mistakes a Caregiver Can Make: Has the Trust Been Broken?


Families trust caregivers with their loved ones and rely on the nurses to manage all the patient’s health requirements. Nursing staff that continues to make mistakes makes it difficult for the family to trust them. To prevent this from happening it is recommended to use a private duty nursing software in order to schedule and communicate with clients. Families that suspect issues read about the 5 common mistakes a caregiver can make.

  1. Lifting Heavy Patients On Their Own

Caregivers who lift patients improperly become injured or injury the patient. There is a risk of falling for all elderly patients, and caregivers must follow steps for helping the patient without more risks. If the caregiver cannot lift the patient on their own, medical professionals recommend that the caregiver contact a family member or emergency services. After a fail, it is necessary to determine if the patient sustained injuries. Moving the patient might cause more harm than good.

Family members who want to change caregivers discover that understanding CDPAP might help them secure better care for their loved ones. State programs in New York help family members become the primary caregiver for their elderly or terminal loved one. Some programs offer to pay family members for providing the services and coordinating efforts with the patient’s doctor. Reviewing the requirements of the programs helps families determine if the programs are right for their loved one.

  1. Failing to Coordinate Care According to the Doctor’s Orders

Failing to coordinate care according to the doctor’s orders increases risks for the patient. Caregivers take notes or record the doctor’s instructions for the patient. Adding changes to the existing schedule helps the caregiver become accustomed to the new medical orders and doesn’t omit vital steps. Caregivers who don’t pay enough attention during doctor’s visits create negative outcomes and place the patient at risk.

  1. Missing Medication Dosages

Missing medication dosages presents irregularities in the patient’s care. Elderly patients take medications each day for existing medical conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and hypertension. One missed dosage is enough to cause a medical crisis and require emergency medical services. All caregivers must follow the correct medication schedule ordered by the doctor, or the individual might face legal claims for negligence.

  1. Failing to Stay Updated on the Patient’s Condition

Failing to stay updated on the patient’s condition creates problems, too. Doctors conduct tests to diagnose new illnesses and symptoms. Caregivers must contact the doctor to follow up on the test results and keep the patient’s information up to date. A failure to get new information prevents the caregiver from incorporating new medical orders into the patient’s schedule. When emergency care requirements emerge, it is vital for the caregiver to offer the EMTs updated information and explain any other health developments that apply.

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  1. Failing to Take Action When Something is Wrong

Failing to take action when something is wrong places the patient at risk. Nursing staff participates in training that shows the nurses what symptoms to watch for when treating elderly patients. If anything doesn’t seem right, the caregiver must take immediate action to protect the patient’s health. If they don’t, the patient suffers because of the failure, and negative outcomes occur.

Families choose caregivers according to the individual’s skills and performance records. Reviewing details about the caregiver shows the family how likely the caregiver is to make unnecessary mistakes. Exploring alternative options can help families become the primary caregiver for their loved ones and get compensation through state programs.

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