What Should You Take? A Complete Guide to Different Types of CBD

CBD guide

Want to try CBD but not sure what to take? Keep reading below to learn more about all the different types of CBD products you can start with.

The value of the global market for cannabidiol (CBD) was $4.6 billion in 2018. By estimation, the figure will reach a staggering 23.6 billion by 2025. That’s an impressive CAGR of 22.2 percent from 2019.

The demand for CBD products is partly promoted by its proven healing properties. Chances are you’ve heard people talk about how CBD oil or other CBD products have given them relief. If you’ve never used CBD, it’s likely that there’s still much you don’t know about this wonder product.

It’s why we’ve prepared this comprehensive guide on the different types of CBD in the market today. We hope that by the time you’re through reading, you’ll know all there is to know about CBD, including what it is, its benefits, and the different CBD strains you can choose from. If you’re ready to go ahead and look for CBD, consider checking out a  CBD distributor like Laurelcrest.

What Is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is among the many active compounds found in the cannabis plant. Another well-known active compound is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Unlike THC, CBD does not have psychoactive properties. In other words, CBD cannot get you intoxicated. If you are looking for something that is more potent, Delta 8 gummies are a good substitute.

However, CBD does have most of the medical benefits that THC has. It’s the reason many people take advantage of the compound’s therapeutic benefits without worrying about getting high.

Marijuana-derived CBD is legal in many states. However, if your state is yet to legalize medical marijuana, you can still opt for industrial hemp-derived CBD, which is legal in just about every state. That said, it’s best to check your state’s laws regarding CBD products before you buy them.

What Are the Medical Benefits of CBD?

Results from studies on CBD oil have been greatly promising. There are several CBD Products such as CBD Oils and CBD flowers have proven to be highly effective in providing relief from different mental health conditions. These include:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Addiction
CBD products may be effective for various physical conditions, too. CBD oil, for instance, has been found to be effective for relieving pain associated with arthritis. CBD skin cream is also an effective anti-inflammatory.

In children, CBD can treat epilepsy as well as other seizure disorders. There’s also evidence to support CBD’s anticancer properties, including its ability to manage cancer treatment side effects.

Types of CBD

As we pointed out earlier, CBD is available in various types. Generally, there are three popular CBD types, namely:

  • Full-Spectrum
  • Broad-Spectrum
  • Isolates

Below, we take a closer look at each of them:


Full-spectrum CBD products are derived from the whole hemp plant matter, including the leaves, CBD Flower, stem, and roots. The different hemp plant parts are pressed, pulverized, or power-washed to extract the oils from them. That leaves you with a full spectrum of cannabinoids, including CBD, CBG, CBN, CBDV, and THC, as well as terpenes and phytochemicals.

The resulting CBD oil usually has a strong hempy taste and is dark in color. The oil also contains 0.3% THC at most. A recent study revealed that  is a safe and effective alternative to traditional medicine, and you can purchase CBDPuroil.com here.

All the cannabinoids and other products work symbiotically to create the best effect. A full spectrum cannabinoid product casts the widest net when it comes to balancing the user’s endocannabinoid system.


Broad-spectrum CBD products are created through the same process as full-spectrum CBD. The process involves taking the leaves, flowers, stem, and roots of the hemp plant matter and extracting CBD oil from them to create broad spectrum crystal resistant distillate.

The main difference, however, is that the THC compound is removed entirely after extraction. You’re still left with a broad range of cannabinoids.

Broad-spectrum CBD products have become wildly popular over the years, especially as more people reach a situation where they cannot take THC. While these products have absolutely no traces of THC, they still provide you with an otherwise full CBD profile that includes CBD, CBG, CBN, and CBDV.

For many people, broad-spectrum products are the best type of CBD as they offer numerous health benefits while ensuring that one doesn’t need to worry about the psychotropic component of the hemp plant.

Full-spectrum products are also ideal if you work in a position that requires drug screens. Government employees, bus drivers, nurses, and construction workers usually fall into this category.

Always be careful when choosing broad-spectrum CBD products. Insist on buying from a seller who offers third party lab testing, so you’re sure the product contains no detectible THC within it. Take note of the carrier oil in the product as it can cause false negatives during drug screenings.


An isolate is exactly what it sounds: a single isolated compound from the hemp plant. The isolation is usually done through supercritical CO2 extraction.

During the process, oils, chlorophyll, plant materials, and any other compounds are removed. The final CBD product is 99 percent pure. Today, it is possible to find different cannabinoids isolated, such as CBN and CBG.

With more research being done on the hundreds of already known cannabinoids, it will soon be possible to specifically target these cannabinoids’ interaction with the body as well as the health benefits. That means it will be possible to customize CBD profiles by combining several isolated cannabinoids to create a new product specifically suited to your needs.

See Also

Deciding Which CBD Is Best for You

As you’ve already seen, not all CBD is created equal. Deciding which CBD type is best for you will depend on a variety of factors.

If you’re concerned about drug screenings, then you want to stick to CBD isolates. In the past, different CBD types have failed drug tests, although it’s a rare occurrence. Generally, you want to stick with companies that guarantee that the product you’re buying is 99% pure CBD.

Where you want to enjoy full plant benefits and drug tests aren’t a concern, it’s best to choose full-spectrum CBD. That’s because this type of CBD contains the entire profile of beneficial compounds in the Cannabis plant.

Understand the CBD Types Better

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Cannabidiol (CBD) oil products have varying strengths and cannabinoid levels, determining their types. Generally, the potency level of this oil reflects the amount of cannabidiol per serving.

Below are the different types of oil-based CBD on the concentration or strength:

  •  Low-Strength CBD Oil

A low potency CBD oil is a good option for people starting out or maybe sensitive to cannabidiol. CBD oil products in 300 milligrams (mg) or fewer bottles are of low strength. Taking a low-strength CBD is an excellent daily supplement. Take a single dose every day to boost your general health and relieve stress.

  •  Mid-Strength CBD Oil

A 600 mg CBD oil is a great “step-up” option for individuals who want to take larger doses of cannabidiol to handle day-to-day pain or anxiety. A single mid-potency CBD dose would be equivalent to 20 drops or 1 millilitre (ml) of oil. A 600 mg bottle of mid-potency CBD oil contains 20 mg per serving.

  •  High-Strength CBD Oil

The 1,000 mg CBD oil is on the high rank of the potency scale. High-potency CBD oil products are commonly recommended for individuals experiencing anxiety, sleep issues, high-level stress, migraines, and deep muscle soreness.

You can get high-strength CBD oil in the UK without it having to contain THC, such as the range at CBDPuroil.com here.

With all the different types of CBD available today, understanding how your CBD products are made can be beneficial. It’s the only way accurately to tell which CBD product is ideal for your situation. Click here to know the Charlotte’s Web Review.

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