How to Grind Venison Meat: Follow the Guidelines

Meat grinder


Venison meat has been popular for steak, meatballs, and sausages; that’s why you should know how to grind venison meat. You may use pork or whitetail deer to make venison ground meat because they taste good.

You will need some ingredients and follow some tips to have the venison meat with perfect taste and texture. You can get ground meat using or without using a grinder or a mixer; the article will show each method.

However, let’s see all the steps and tips to prepare a perfectly ground venison meat to have a delicious meal.

Can You Grind Venison Meat Without a Grinder And How?

Yes, you can have alternatives to meat grinding for venison meat preparation; let me briefly point out those methods:

  1. Chopping your meat in small pieces with sharp knives to have tender fibers. You can have tender and soft small pieces as ground meat if you use different sized sharp knives.
  2. Next, you can use a food processor to have your meat prepared for your desired dish; its primary purpose is to get your edible ingredients ready.
  3. Lastly, if you don’t want to prepare the meat at home, you can take your items to a butcher and get it ready there.

So, you have multiple options other than grinding venison meat, but the grinder is the easiest way to prepare. Moreover, ground meat tastes better than butchered or chopped one; that’s why find out how to grind venison meat.

Follow the Instructions And Get Your Ground Venison Meat Now.

Step 1: Chop and Prepare Your Meat for Cooling

Get a sharp knife that can cut the raw meat pieces; separate the silver lines first because they degrade the taste. Keep some fat to increase the flavor and texture; moreover, remove the bones, even the smallest ones.

However, it would be better to chop them in cubic shape because they are easy to run in a grinder. Keep the cubes as small as possible; it will be comfortable for you to have more tender meat.

Step 2: Add Sufficient Fat and Put It to Cool Down

If you haven’t kept the meat fat or add more, you can put more fat content in the correct proportion. The quantity can be 1:9 (10% fat and 90% venison), 1:4, or 3:7 (30% fat and 70% venison meat).

In the next step, you should put the chopped meat into a refrigerator to cool it because it’s necessary to decrease the temperature before grinding. Cold meat easily holds together and remains in an appropriate shape.

Step 3: Keep the Grinder’s and Mixer’s parts in the Fridge

Grinder plates, blades, hand worm, bowl, etc. are essential for venison meat grind; put them in a refrigerator together to decrease its temperature. It’s necessary to bring the meat and grinder’s parts in the same state.

Therefore, wash the parts well and dry them before putting them in a fridge; you may also keep them with the raw flesh. You should cool the meat at least for some hours before grinding; it will show better results.

You can also preserve the ground meat at a cold temperature, but It’s better to use the fresh ground flesh to prepare the dish.

Step 4: Connect All Parts And Check if It’s Working

Join the parts in their respective places, but make sure the switch is not connected, and plug it into a socket to turn it on. Check if it’s working or not; be careful while checking because you may get injured.

Push the meat slowly to run it through the grinder to prepare the flesh, and make it run for the 2nd time if necessary. Burger or sausage meats should be run twice through the mixer; the grind can be of 3-types.

  •         Chilli or Spice Grind; if you want to make the steak spicy, you have to grind through this mode.
  •         All-purpose Grind; you can grind your meat for any purpose in this mode.
  •         Sausage Grind; prepare your meat for sausage if your grinder has the options.

Step 5: Cook And Give Your Meat the Perfect Taste

If you want to store the meat, get freezer bags that are protective for raw ground meat, and seal it tightly. Take the sealed bag and bring the meat out, but remember, you won’t get the fresh meat’s taste from the frozen one.

Prepare the steak, sausage, or meatballs in the desired shape, and add the necessary spices to cook them. Serve the dish and enjoy your meal (burger, steak, sausage, meatball, kebab, or fried meat).

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Which Meat and Fat Should I Get for Venison?

Some people made a venison version of beef; the most appropriate meats are elk, bison, antelope, and most deer. Wild animal meats are better than household cattle for preparing venison.

Moreover, the meat’s primary purpose is to make non-veg dishes healthier than usual; it can be a good alternative to red meat. If you talk about the fats, you should know that you have to reduce the total saturated fat content to make it more edible.

Always remember, venison meat is a combination of healthier nutrients and less cholesterol at a cheap rate.

Know about the Grinders to Prepare Venison Meat

A perfect grinder for venison is a compulsory item to make your dish flawless; check the list of some renowned grinders and get one of them.

  •         LEM Products Stainless Steel Grinder for Meat
  •         Gourmia GMG-525 (with 3-choices or modes)
  •         STX Turboforce Meat Grinder (one of the leading brands)
  •         Weston Pro-Series Electric Meat Grinder (model no-22)
  •         ALTRA Electric Meat Grinder (the most versatile model).

You can choose any of these grinders to have your venison meat done correctly, but I suggest buying a versatile machine. Check out this site here.


The decision will be yours; you can choose any ingredients (meat, fat, spices) and grinders per your choice. An essential part is to know how to grind venison meat because you can’t do anything without knowing the methods.

However, you may find a way to prepare the meat without a mixer, but the article inspires you to use a grinder. The method to get ground meat is common; it doesn’t differ between venison and red meat.

Choose everything carefully and follow the steps and tips to get the best and tender flesh to prepare your desired food item.

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