5 Kitchen-Cleaning Hacks to Save You Time

Those everyday spills, cooking messes, dirty dishes, and misarranged items can really take a toll on a housekeeperโ€™s mental sanity.

Luckily, weโ€™ve compiled a list of several kitchen cleaning hacks that will save you a lot of time and make your life much easier in the room that your family comes together to eat. These DIY kitchen cleaning hacks will help you degrease, deodorize, and sanitize in less time than it would normally take you. Letโ€™s get going:

Use a Toothbrush For Your Sink Disposalโ€™s Guard

Food almost always gets stuck in the sink disposal guard, especially underneath it. You might not even notice it until itโ€™s too late and the sink starts to emanate a strange smell. 

To prevent this, simply use a toothbrush thatโ€™s been soaked in anti-grease solution to scrub underneath the guard. Scrub the guard thoroughly to make sure youโ€™ve gotten every food bit off it.

Clean Hard Water Deposits in Your Dishwasher

If you live in an area with hard water, one of the biggest problems youโ€™ll encounter is with your appliances that use water. Dishwashers are the perfect example, as limescale deposits can shorten their lifespan and make the dishes turn out with white spots or film on them instead of squeaky-clean.

Fortunately, you can buy detergent specifically made for hard water and use rinse aid at the same time so that you can prevent these issues. You can also take care of existing mineral deposits by running a regular wash cycle using vinegar instead of detergent and without loading any dishes inside. Check out some of these options that are listed at Dishwasher Pro Reviews for an even better experience.

Use the Vacuum to Clean Cabinets

Hereโ€™s one trick that rarely gets mentioned in any housekeeping blog or magazine. Instead of wasting time trying to pick up crumbs with a cloth, try the vacuum brush attachment to suck them up at the snap of a button. Yes, itโ€™s that simple. You can also try this on pantry shelves as well.

Clean the Oven Efficiently

Many modern ovens have a self-cleaning option. However, most affordable ovens or older ones donโ€™t. And even the ones who do have this option tend to trigger the smoke alarm, so itโ€™s rarely a good idea to rely on it.

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Instead, you can try filling up a spray bottle with a homemade solution of 1/3 cup water, 1/3 cup white vinegar, and 1/2 cup baking soda. Once cool, remove the ovenโ€™s grates and spray the solution all over the place while avoiding the heating elements. Close the door and let the solution sit for about 12 hours. Then you can clean the oven with soapy water and use a plush cloth to dry it.

Keep the Disposal Smelling Fresh

Fill an ice cube tray with lemon wedges, rock salt, and water. Once frozen, pop the cubes down the drain and run your garbage disposal until the ice is gone. These ingredients leave the disposal smelling nice and kick off any grime that has accumulated in time.

Final Thoughts

Have you tried any of these tricks so far? How did it go? Leave a comment in the section down below and tell us some other suggestions that might come in handy as well.

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