The Best Books You Can Find in the University Libraries

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Reading is learning, no matter what you read. However, if a student reads a good book, they can learn more effectively. Do you agree? Then, it might be a nice choice to make reading your habit. And yes, you’ll find worthy books for university students in various subjects and disciplines here below.
Top 5 Books for University Students to Read
What are the must-read books for university students? Well, everything depends on your major. However, there exist particular titles that’ll be useful for all of us. These five books are the most assigned ones according to the list of The Open Syllabus Project. Most probably, there is something worth your attention in any of them. How do you think?
The Elements of Style by William Strunk
To this day, I guess I never knew that every time I ask professionals to write my essay for me, they’d, in fact, keep up with old-school rules. But the book by William Strunk Jr reveals that point clearly. Rules of modern writing are about 100 years old, and The Elements of Style explain them with many details, although the volume is quite slim. It’s a perfect book to inspire every student to express their thoughts and ideas with writing correctly.
A Writer’s Reference by Diana Hacker
Diana Hacker’s “A Writer’s Reference is the next-gen instrument for every college and university writer. That means knowledge about academic writing contained here will definitely come in handy for all students regardless of their major. The book is an authoritative source shaped in a personal, digital, and very practical manner. This is the instruction you can trust. By the way, Proessays use it as a reference source quite frequently.
Calculus by James Stewart
The following work is a niche book oriented towards students interested in their calculus course success. The reason for Calculus books by James Stewart to be bestsellers is simple. It’s all about their accuracy, clear writing manner, and practical examples that are given. The author successfully unites two great things in this book. On the one hand, the knowledge given there can give a significant kick to boost your competence. On the other hand, it is able to help you find out how to enjoy the subject by showing its beauty.
Human Anatomy and Physiology by Elaine Nicpon Marieb
Another field-oriented book on the list is, obviously, about biology. The volume by E. N. Marieb definitely stands among the top-quality textbooks for Human Biology majors. It’s also a nice basic book for anyone who wants to know more in-depth facts about human bodies and the way they function.
Republic by Plato
Plato is a great ancient philosopher who caused a huge impact on human spirit history. In fact, this Greek man became the first person to start shaping original scientific, academic thinking. His book titled “Republic” is a description where Plato tries to cover and explain all the main questions of human life.
The philosopher opens this dialogue with attempts to define “justice”. Then, six government forms are reviewed: monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy, democracy, and tyranny. Finally, Plato describes his own concept of a perfect state ruled by philosophers. It’s a great book to read for any educated person.
3 Bonus Titles to Take from Libraries
We dealt with the top 5 most assigned books. It’s not an obligation for all students to take all of them from libraries and read instantly one by one. However, your studying will become a lot easier regardless of the chosen field. Here are three additional books to consider. You won’t find specialized volumes referred to biology or calculus there, but they’re still worth reading.
The Communist Manifesto by Carl Marx
That’s the book by Carl Marx and Friedrich Engels declaring and proving the goals of communist parties and organizations. There, authors also define tasks and methods suitable to use for ideological struggle.
This is the important Marxist book stating that the entire history of humanity was the history of class struggles. Authors claim the inevitability for capitalism to fall from the hands of proletarians getting ready to build the classless society of communists where means of production would be public property.
Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus – that’s the complete name of the novel. Mary Shelley wrote it in 1818, at the age of 19. As a result, it became arguably the most famous fantasy novel in the entire history of literature.
It’s a frightening story of a scientist named Victor Frankenstein who understood the mystery of life creation. As a result, he became the creator of a creature that is bound to become a cruel and crazy monster. And the creator will pay a lot for his deed.
That’s the only purely fictional literature exemplar on the list, but every student should read it because of ideas and topics touched. You just need to make your conclusions out of Shelley’s writing.
Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle
The last but not least important book here dates back to the Ancient Greece of 300 B.C. Although this ethic book was surely written by Plato’s student, Aristotle, it is thought that it was his son who made the original publication. Probably, Aristotle devoted the book to his son or father. They both had the same name – Nicomachus.
The series of Aristotle’s “Ethics” touches on the problematics of a human personality and society. It also grounds the main principles of Aristotle’s ethics: moderation and reasonable behavior.
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Hi, I am Betty Knight, Owner of this site! I am a 'nearing 30-year-old', happily married to 1 awesome man. We live in the beautiful tourist town of Franklin NY.