What They Don’t Tell You About Moving Away

moving tips

Whether it is for college, a change of scenery, or for a work opportunity, moving away from where you grew up is a necessary evil. It’s an exciting time that can be filled with feelings of apprehension and nervousness. If you are about to embark on this new chapter in your life, the following are some things they don’t tell you about packing up and moving away from home for the first time. 


The movies give us a warped view of college life. We see endless parties, cozy nights in with lots of beer and food and trips to Starbucks on the way to class. We see students driving to class in fancy SUVs and going clothes shopping between periods. We see Spring Break and the madness that being given that much freedom brings. But is that real life? Is that what college life is really like? The reality is a little different. 

College fees are expensive and having the money to do all those things is not an option for most people. Most students can utilize Earnest student loans to be able to afford the fees and accommodation costs alone. The social life we see in the movies isn’t the reality for so many students as it’s too expensive to go to bars and get a Starbucks on the way to class each day. No one tells you that there will be plenty of penny-pinching moments where you’ll have to make some difficult decisions.    


Sometimes, when you are moving away, it is not just family and friends that you are leaving behind. It’s the environment that you love too. Your hometown. The mountains. The sea. Your favorite lake or forest walk. Whatever it is that you love about your environment now is not going to be part of your life anymore and you’re not going to be happy about it. You’ll miss the scenery that you love terribly, especially if your new environment is very different from the area that you left behind. You might even yearn to get back, but no-one will tell you this because everyone talks about the positivity of fresh start and new surroundings. 

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Unless you have secured a new job before leaving, you may have some difficulty finding a new position in the town/city that you are moving to. And, even if you do find something suitable that pays well, you might find it hard to fit in with your new colleagues. There will be plenty of other obstacles to overcome such as starting on the bottom of the corporate ladder and being the newbie that everyone wants to get to know. 

It is Not All Fun

Moving to a new area can be an exciting but particularly challenging time. It’s not all fun and games as there’s a lot to do. With packing and unpacking and getting familiar with your new surroundings, you are going to be physically and emotionally drained for the first few weeks. Research and execute tips and tricks for moving to make the physical transition as simple as possible. Take some time to recuperate when you can, and it won’t be long before the last cardboard box is emptied, and you’re settled into your new space.

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