Being a Bad Mom is Ok. Watch Bad Moms on 11/1 to See Review

Being a Bad Mom is Ok

People can be Bad Moms and it is Ok.

Life is way too serious.  I know we can’t have the life they have in Bad Moms. But you will  admit after seeing it that it would be fun, if even for a little while.  OR maybe in the movie, they are able to see the ‘fun’ part of life and keep going.  I am not sure which way it really is but I do know one thing for sure, Bad Moms is the movie of the year for me.

Bad Moms on Blu-ray

It doesn’t take a mid-life crisis to go through what all of the Moms in the movie experience, and really it is ok.  People/friends may look at you differently or wonder what has happened to you, but reassure them you will be back to yourself eventually or a new and better-feeling self.

From the writers of Hangover, they have put together a movie that is perfect for the midlife crisis’ that all moms feel at some point in their life. If we are honest this crisis can happen at any point of being a Mom.

With a cast of Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, Kathryn Hahn, Annie Mumolo, Jada Pinkett Smith and Christina Applegate you know that it is going to be a great movie just with the cast line-up.   I laughed so hard my stomach hurt and it brought out emotions I didnโ€™t really realize I felt.

I could identify with each of the Moms in the movie and I am sure you will too. The trailer below is the red band trailer which just means that it isnโ€™t leaving anything out of the movie that will be at the theaters.

Amy has a seemingly perfect life โ€“ a great marriage, over-achieving kids, beautiful home and a career. However, sheโ€™s over-worked, over-committed and exhausted to the point that sheโ€™s about to snap. Fed up, she joins forces with two other over-stressed moms on a quest to liberate themselves from conventional responsibilities โ€“ going on a wild, un-mom-like binge of long overdue freedom, fun, and self-indulgence โ€“ putting them on a collision course with PTA Queen Bee Gwendolyn and her clique of devoted perfect moms.

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What kind of Mom do you relate to? Christina Applegate as Gwendolyn? Annie Mumolo as the Clueless Mom? Or possibly one of the Moms from We are All Bad Moms Sometimes and Itโ€™s Ok with Mila Kunis | Kathryn Hahn ?

You can purchase this movie on Amazon! (This is an affiliate link meaning if you purchase from it I will receive a small commission.  This doesn’t affect your purchase. I am just mentioning it for your knowledge.)

Disclosure:  I was not compensated for this post.  I did receive a copy of this Blu-ray from the company above and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. 


Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are 'affiliate links.' This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission.
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