Celebrating my Parent’s 50th Anniversary Party with Oriental Trading

Oriental Trading 50th Anniversary Party

**Disclosure-I was given the items named in this post from Oriental Trading in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions are my own. 

When Celebrating our Parent’s 50th Anniversary we Chose Oriental Trading!

If you didn’t read my first post about my parent’s surprise 50th-anniversary party you can go here. I never realized just how much went into the planning a party like this let alone a surprise party.  You want to make sure you don’t leave out any of the important details.

I was all ready to order the paper products for the party when I realized we needed a count of those attending.  My sister was in charge of that, and I felt bad as it took a lot of emailing, sending out invites, getting addresses and keeping a tally. (shhh don’t tell her, I was glad that she took on that part of the party planning). She was also the one to have the vision of what she wanted it all to look like, and with the help of my sister-in-law, they more than achieved that.

50th Anniv Set up

During our first meeting, we decided on food, a list of guests to invite, and some decoration ‘ideas’.  My Mom and Dad got married September 10, 1966.  Although my Mom was in her very early twenties she had her own vision of what she wanted her wedding to look like.  BUT…. due to her Mom (my Grandma) instead of fall colors, it ended up being pink, did you hear me say PINK? So we were on the hunt to still make this look like a 50th but with the colors and ideas my Mom once had.

Once we had our guest list and responses, I was able to figure out what we needed for napkins, cups, linen and tablecloths, and decorations. We were trying to stay on ‘budget’ so it was a no-brainer to check into Oriental Trading.  It was so nice to go on their site, which is so well put together and go under Anniversary, then 50th.

oriental trading tables

We decided to get:

Oriental Trading 50th Anniversary

I also picked out this cute 50th Anniversary Centerpiece, but instead using it for a centerpiece we tied gold balloons to it and weighted it down with some rocks to put at the end of the driveway so guests that had not been to my sister’s house before would know that they had the right place.  It worked perfectly for what we wanted and it added a nice touch to hanging just the balloons on the mailbox.

50th champagne glasses collage

See Also
10 ribu dollar berapa rupiah

Last but definitely not least I picked out this set of Personalized 50th Anniversary Flutes.  They included a personalization but the same thing had to be on each one, so I opted with their wedding date 9-10-66.

The next time you decide you would like to have a party and want to look like you went all out in your decorations, stop by Oriental Trading for all of your decoration needs.

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**Disclosure-I was given the items named in this post from Oriental Trading in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions are my own. 

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