Does CBD Oil Really Work?

cbd oil

The one resounding statement that critics of CBD seem to make is “show me the evidence.” CBD is being sold as a “cure-all”, an “alternative medicine”, and all kinds of other buzz-words to make it sound like it’s the best thing since sliced bread. CBD is a versatile, beneficial, and naturally-occurring compound, but how do we know it even works like users say it does?

Luckily for us, our researchers haven’t been sleeping this whole time. Though they may have about fifty years of criminalization and stigma to work around, scientists and researchers across the country have performed several studies to substantiate some of CBD’s boldest claims.

You want proof? You came to the right place. Let’s see the evidence that supports CBD’s effectiveness in humans. 

Our Bodies Are Designed To Accept Cannabinoids

First, we’ll start with the biological aspect of CBD. Cannabidiol is what’s known as a Cannabinoid, and our bodies actually create their own molecules (endocannabinoids) that are very similar to those derived from hemp (like CBD). Certain Cannabinoids, like CBD and THC, interact in very specific ways with the body’s endocannabinoid system to stimulate a response.

That response could be impairment (in the case of THC), appetite stimulation, and more. The ECS handles many of the body’s needs, including appetite, mood, and homeostasis. While cannabinoids like THC bind specifically to cannabinoid receptors, CBD doesn’t actually bind with receptors to stimulate a response.

What stimulates a response on behalf of CBD is still unclear, but we do understand that CBD isn’t dangerous to the body in any way (unless you count the diarrhea you could experience as a side-effect).

CBD oil for stress, anxiety, pain, and inflammation is sold all over the internet, and there are literally hundreds if not thousands of options available. That doesn’t mean that all CBD oil is created equal, however. Depending on the quality of the hemp, the extraction method, and the care of the provider, you could end up with a high-quality, potent dose, or something that produces no results at all.

Let’s Ask The Users

Of course, anecdotal evidence doesn’t prove anything except that lots of people experience something similar, but it’s worth taking a look at the millions of CBD users to at least pick out some patterns. Users all over the country and the world trust CBD products including oils, gummies, and more, for dozens of medical and personal uses.

Pain: CBD is actually a natural painkiller. The ECS plays a role in pain management, and it’s believed that CBD actually interacts with the ECS to reduce the immune response that’s usually responsible for pain and inflammation. Did we mention CBD is an anti-inflammatory compound as well? Both pain and inflammation management are popular uses for CBD products.

Sleep: Those suffering from insomnia or even just high stress levels don’t get enough sleep. Not getting enough sleep can inflict greater illness and make the body weaker overall, as well as having an effect on mental health. The bottom line? Sleep is essential to a healthy life. Perhaps that’s why so many people use CBD oils for a better night’s sleep.

Skincare: While the effectiveness of CBD as an anti-aging compound is yet to bet determined, users have reported healthier, softer skin after continued topical use. Some users also use CBD oils to help treat and prevent acne, but this isn’t a widespread use for the oils.

Focus and Memory: Reducing anxiety and stress actually has a positive effect on both memory and focus; as does getting a good night’s rest. That being said, it’s no surprise that CBD users report higher attention spans, increased focus, and better memory.

Anxiety and Stress Management: One of the main reasons so many people turn to CBD oils is because they seem to alleviate stress and minimize anxiety. Since stress can cause a myriad of health problems, this seems promising.

Studies on Anxiety

Let’s look deeper into the CBD for anxiety question. Aside from anecdotal evidence, is there any scientific evidence to suggest that CBD can help alleviate stress or anxiety? Yes! According to this study published in the US Library of Medicine, CBD has shown effectiveness at treating certain anxiety-related disorders, including PTSD, GAD, and more.

See Also

This is promising news, as many anti-anxiety and anti-depressant drugs carry negative side-effects that can cause the patient greater pain and stress. A safer, more natural alternative to treating and managing anxiety disorders is certainly long overdue.

Studies on Seizures

Several studies have been conducted on CBD’s effectiveness as an anticonvulsant, all of which have concluded that CBD does, in fact, help prevent and minimize seizures from certain medical conditions.

The FDA itself performed a study on rare seizure conditions with a drug called Epidiolex, which is CBD-based. When combined with anti-seizure medications, Epidiolex was found to be effective at reducing the number and severity of seizures in patients with conditions like Dravet Syndrome.

Studies on Cancer, Heart Disease, and More

Some preliminary studies have shown that CBD can aid in reducing blood pressure and possibly improving overall heart health, but these studies haven’t been concluded or performed on a large enough basis to provide any real results.

CBD is great for managing symptoms of those afflicted by various cancers. Cancer patients often experience extreme pain, no small amount of stress and anxiety, and even loss of appetite. CBD has been shown to positively affect each of these symptoms and how you feel, and may even ease the mind of a cancer patient and make the process easier to accept.

Moving Forward

The science behind CBD is trying to catch up to decades of criminalization and defunding, but researchers are working hard to learn all they can about CBD’s effects on humans. Until we have all the evidence, we’ll have to trust the studies that have already been conducted, what we know about CBD and the ECS, and the anecdotal evidence from users all over the world.

 Don’t worry, though; there’s plenty of money pouring into the industry for further research!

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