Dory DIY: Make This Snack Bag Inspired by the New Pixar Movie

finding dory snack bag

finding dory snack bag

My two-year-old, Edie, loves Finding Nemo, so we’re really excited for Finding Dory to come out this summer. To start the fun a little early, we made this Dory snack bag that she can take to the movie and fill with her favorite treats. Best part, it’s all made from a regular brown paper sandwich bag and a few craft supplies you probably have around the house.


Brown paper lunch bag

Yellow craft felt

Twisty tie

Navy blue card stock paper

Large googly-eyed ball

Craft glue

Thin rope


Sequins, glitter, other trinkets



1. Take your brown paper bag and cut along the middle of one side about two-thirds of the way.

Finding Dory Inspired Snack Bag

2. At the bottom of the bag, fold the edges in to make a more rounded Dory head.

finging dory snack bag

3. Cinch the top of the bag (which will be Dory’s tail). We’ll add a twisty tie and yellow felt at the end when it’s all decorated.

Finding Dory Inspired Snack Bag

4. Cut a rounded shape out of the blue card stock tracing the outline of the bag to make Dory’s blue head. Glue onto the bag.

Finding Dory Inspired Snack Bag

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5. Now it’s time to decorate! We added lines of glue and Edie helped decorate with sparkles, glitter, sequins and other colorful trinkets

Finding Dory Inspired Snack Bag

6. Glue on the large Dory eyeball.

7. Cinch the tail with a triangle piece of yellow felt and the twisty tie.

Finding Dory Inspired Snack Bag

8. Staple the rope to the back of Dory’s head and twist it into the twisty tie on her tail to a make a purse (optional)

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9. Fill with snacks when you get to the theater to watch Finding Dory!

To see more about how Liz and her daughter Edie prepared to go see Finding Dory, check out this post on Say Yes.

Liz Stanley is the founder and editor of the award-winning women’s lifestyle site Say Yes. She was born and raised a New Yorker but now is perfectly happy to call the fairy-tale city of San Francisco home with her husband and three children. Her work, as well as her team’s, has been featured by Martha Stewart, Real Simple, Parents Magazine, the Huffington Post, with full print features in the San Francisco Chronicle, Pregnancy, and Newborn magazine, and documentary features on A&E and Hulu. She partners with a variety of design-focused lifestyle home brands including Target, Adobe, Home Depot and West Elm. Previous work includes founding Minted’s lifestyle site, Julep, and writing for Apartment Therapy. 

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