Genetics and Neck Pain: Is There a Connection?

Genetics and Neck Pain: Is There a Connection

Neck and back pain often seem to go hand in hand. Neck pain sometimes stems from injuries, but many people are surprised to learn genetics can also play a role. Pain along the spinal cord is one of the top complaints of people of all ages. So, what role do genetics play in the development of neck pain, and what can be done to protect the spine and get relief?

Do a Person’s Genes Lead to Neck Pain?

Those who suffer from ongoing neck pain often need help from physiotherapy victoria. Although research must continue on this topic, the latest finding was recently reported in the Journal of Arthritis & Rheumatism. In this journal, it was reported that genes may play a role in the development of neck and back pain. Although there are many factors that can cause a person to develop pain, genes are undoubtedly one of them.

In the past, it was understood that age-related wear and tear was the primary reason for degenerative changes in the spine. Today, research has allowed medical scientists to discover that genes could make a person more susceptible to degeneration, which is one of the leading causes of neck and back pain.

Gene Research Could Play a Role in Prevention

Despite millions of dollars in research, medical scientists have yet to find a solution for the prevention of neck and back pain. Unfortunately, those who suffer from chronic spine problems are growing. It is imperative to further research is carried out to determine the role genetics play so preventative measures can be used to help people avoid neck and back pain.

A Study on Identical Twins

As most people know, identical twins share the same genetic makeup. In the research carried out by Dr. Jan Hartvigsen, it was discovered that genetics played a large role in the development of neck and back pain. Susceptibility of the development of pain accounted for around thirty-eight percent of the study participants. Although researchers were able to find a connection, they still do not understand what makes some people more vulnerable to the development of pain than others.

Physiotherapy Helps With Neck Pain Relief

Although there are many modalities of care, physiotherapy has been proven beneficial in helping people overcome the pain and stiffness in their necks so they can live more productive lives. Physical therapy can help to rehabilitate the cervical spine, allowing individuals to feel relief.

Physiotherapy, also known as physical therapy, is crucial for helping people overcome pain and increase their normal range of motion. When individuals are dealing with neck pain, they often find it difficult to move their necks, which can impede normal function.

See Also

A massage therapist from downtown can target a treatment plan that is focused on helping their patients overcome their unique neck limitations. With ongoing therapy, individuals can sometimes avoid neck surgery and other invasive forms of treatment for overcoming their pain.

Parts of a Physiotherapy Examination

Being evaluated by a physiotherapist is essential for those who are dealing with neck pain. During this evaluation, the following steps are carried out.

  • The posture of the patient is observed.
  • The patient’s range of motion is tested.
  • A neurological screening is carried out.
  • The physiotherapist performs a manual examination.
  • Further testing is performed as needed.
  • A treatment plan is put into place.


Neck pain can happen as a result of an injury or possibly due to genetics and aging. When neck pain interferes with a person’s day-to-day life, it is time to seek treatment from a physiotherapist who can offer relief.

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