How is the Game Industry in Denmark?

Like people in most parts of the world, Danes love to play games. Denmark has several options, from arcade games on consoles to casino games on mobile devices. Thankfully, the love for games has dramatically impacted the country’s gaming industry. A new generation of Danish game developers enters the industry year in, year out, causing it to boom.
Today, we will talk about the gaming industry in Denmark. We will highlight the growth process, the current trends, and what we can expect in the future. So keep reading this extensive article if you are thrilled to learn all that.
Looking to the Past
The Danish gaming industry has not always been exceptional. Back in 2009, the revenue made in the industry was 377 million DKK. At the time, Denmark does not have that many game developers, only 72. The likes of Bright Star Studios and GamerzClass have not been founded.
However, with more game developers, innovative gaming products and online casinos, the gaming industry achieved a 1.3 billion DKK revenue in 2019. This was the highest recorded revenue made in the industry, closing in on TV and movies. The number of video game developers in the country increased to 142, with over 900 employees.

While there is no recent data on the Danish gaming industry revenue from 2020, there is a strong indication that it toppled that of 2019. The pandemic and lockdowns in 2020 saw more people indulge in gaming online. For instance, Ghost Ship Games sold over two million copies of their game, Deep Rock Galactic, in that year, while Tactile Games was able to double their turnover from 200 million DKK to 400 million DKK. Besides, many online casinos and betting sites were also founded in Denmark during this period.
Current Trends in Gaming
With Danish gaming brands looking for ways to upscale their products and offerings, several new trends have been formed. More than ever, gamification has become a statement on every gaming brand’s lips. Many brands focus on developing virtual reality environments and integrating game elements into other activities to achieve more participation.
Besides, the pandemic has boosted digital devices’ popularity in the country. Many Danes play offline and online games, while others enjoy streaming these games. In addition, the casino gaming industry also continues to grow, with more Denmark players playing real money slots, blackjack and other related games. Many players also search a Danish website to look for the best casinos to join and bonuses to claim.
The Future of Gaming in Denmark
We can expect more growth in the future of Denmark’s gaming industry. Presently, some parts of the market are developing without any regulation. And with the internet facilitating the development of the industry to a global scale, there will be a need to revise the current Danish model for regulating the gaming market.
Unified gaming legislation can be expected to come into play as indicated by the working group established by the Minister of Taxation in 1999. Besides, cryptocurrency games may also become even more popular in Denmark in the coming years. While some Danish online casinos accept Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and other cryptos for gambling, expect the numbers to grow further.

In addition, there may be an increase in the adoption of NFT technology for gaming and other related technologies. We can also expect more people to make money through gaming activities since it is becoming a norm.
Will Tax Hike Be an Issue?
In 2019, the Danish government agreed to increase the online gaming tax from 20% to 28%. The new rate was supposed to be effected in 2021 but has not been. Despite that, there is a chance that the new rate will come to play. But will it have an impact on the gaming industry? Hard to tell. Taxation has always been part of any industry, including the gaming industry. But since it does not affect the players directly, the effect may be minimal, if any.
We have shed some light on the Danish gaming industry in this article. Without a doubt, the industry has recorded some exceptional growth in recent years, with the highest recorded revenue at 1.3 billion DKK in 2019. More gaming companies have found their way into the industry providing employment opportunities and satisfying their customers’ desire to play more games.

With the current in virtual reality gaming and online gaming, it’s evident that more growth can be expected in the industry. Besides, the adoption of cryptocurrencies in gaming has already become a thing in Denmark, and we can expect the growth of NFT games in the future.