Make Your Bathroom More Modern In 4 Simple Steps

Make Your Bathroom More Modern In 4 Simple Steps

You may think that creating a modern-looking bathroom is a complicated job, and you’d be right. In fact, with the mix of built-in fixtures and fittings, and the need for both water and electricity in the same place, things can get tricky pretty quickly. Happily, there is a way to simplify this task, and its by following the steps below. Keep reading to discover what they are.

Make Your Bathroom More Modern In 4 Simple Steps

Picture linked from Pexels – License CC0 

Step 1: Install a power shower and freestanding bath. 

Are you still using a combined bath and shower unit? Well, I hate to break it to you, but that just isn’t very modern at all. In fact, the latest bathrooms have a separate space for a shower, and then a freestanding bath. The latter acting as a focal point for the design as well as a practical feature as well. 

Of course, to update your bathroom to these specifications, you will need to move things around substantially. That means you not only need to plan where to put everything carefully, but you will also need to recruit some professional help as well. 

In fact, by using a firm of specialist Electrical Contractors when making changes to your bathroom suite, you can ensure any work is done as quickly as possible. Oh, and you will know that it will be safe for the whole family to use on a daily basis as well. 

Step 2: Chose a white or grey suite. 

Next, to modernize your bathroom, you need to choose a suite in either white or grey. In fact, some people go combine both these colors for a clean and up to date look. 

Of course, the advantage of using either white or grey is that they can help to create a fresh and minimal look in your bathroom. One that it is easy to keep clean and that is restful to spend time in as well. 

Step 3: Use natural stone. 

Alongside the greys and whites of your suite, natural stone is an excellent choice for modernizing the bathroom as well. In fact, you may think that natural elements are better suited to a more vintage look, but this simply isn’t the case with slate or stone.


The reason for this is that you can get the wall and floor tiles cut in very simple modern shapes now. This being something that can easily give your bathroom space a more modern and sophisticated feel. 

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Additionally, marble and marble finishes are very much on-trend right now. Something that means using this material in the sinks or countertops can be a fantastic choice. It will even tie into the white and grey them perfectly too. 

Step 4: Keep decor to a minimum.

Lastly, when modernizing your bathroom, do not make this mistake of overfilling it with decor. In fact, doing so can easily make a space look old fashioned very quickly. 



Instead chose a simple geometric mirror with a black frame and a grey, white, or black blind for privacy. Then you will have a tidy, modern, and minimal bathroom space that your whole family can enjoy for years to come. 


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