Moving Home? Do It The Stress Free Way

Moving Home? Do It The Stress Free Way

This could be your first time moving, or you may even be a seasoned moving veteran. Either way, there’s always room for improvement in everything we do. And if moving better means stressing less, it’s worth a shot giving the moving knowledge below ago. There are three things you need to do. Okay, there are more, but we’ll focus on these three things specifically to make your moving journey, whether across seas, to the next city, or just around the corner, a seamless one.ย 

Get Rid Of A Third Of Your Things

Maybe a third might be a bit too ambitious, but get rid of some things at least, just to lighten the heavy load you’ll be moving around and from door to door. It will make your job a lot easier if you do. You might think you don’t have much stuff, but when you begin to unearth the stacks of clothes, and shoeboxes in your wardrobe, the junk in your attic and the many pieces of furniture in your home, you probably have way too much stuff. You can’t possibly need and adore every single thing in your home, and so it’s probably about time you culled the crap to make your moving load lighter. Aim high and try to get rid of a third, but feel happy if you’ve accomplished anything above a fifth.

The Packing Pecking Order

Yes, there is an order to packing that will also mean the difference between a stressful move where you just want to give up and stay where you are, or a free-flowing process that you can feel proud you initiated. So, the packing pecking order begins with everything you don’t use, need, or care about to be packed away first. Not the day before you move, but now. Pack away what you don’t use, store it in the garage, attic, or your storage cupboards – and label them, obviously. You won’t even realize it’s gone, and then move onto the next set of things you can sacrifice living without. Like your kitchen waffle maker and hoards of noodles. Repeat this process until pack you have packed everything bar the stuff you really need. Such as your toothbrush and moving clothes.

Make Your Markย 

Did we mention you need to label your things? Well, it’s worth mentioning again. As witnessed time and time the schoolboy error of people thinking they can see through corrugated cardboard, and so they see no need to write down what things are in the box, or what room it needs to go in. To begin life in your new home with spirit and positivity, don’t drag the foreseeable moment down by forgetting to label each and every box.

See Also
DecoratorAdvice com

And If All Else Fails

You call the professionals. The logistics of moving home in a methodical way for many is far too much to think about. And so, if your financial situation is on your side, and you like the thought of keeping your mind and wellbeing intact, sitting back to relax while the best mover that the internet can find you packs away and moves all of your stuff for you is probably the best way to go.


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