Rite of Passage Book Blast

Rite of PassageRite of Passage

“Descended from a line of powerful witches, Courtney Wellington embodies the Wiccan Goddess who must fulfill an ancient prophecy to keep the growing powers of evil at bay. At the Summer Solstice, she must marry, and she has chosen Robert McGregor for her mate. But Courtney’s plans never included falling in love with him.

Robert McGregor, a Harvard Law student, and society favorite have the world within his grasp until he meets Courtney. Irresistibly drawn to her, Robbie is soon bewitched by the lovely, vulnerable girl, despite his misgivings about who-or what-she really is. But her identity is stranger than he could ever imagine.

To fulfill the prophecy Robbie must abandon all he holds dear, but when Courtney is kidnapped, he realizes he will sacrifice everything to save her. Can the power of their love triumph over the evil forces bent on destroying them?”

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Author Bio: Kevin V. Symmons Bio

Kevin Symmons has been a successful business owner, consultant and, fund-raiser. In addition to undergraduate work in business and the arts, he studied at the University of Poitiers in France and the New England Conservatory before completing his Masters Degree. An avid reader, student and, author of numerous professional pieces, in recent years he’s devoted his energies to novel writing. In collaboration with award-winning screenwriter and playwright Barry Brodsky (of Emerson and Lesley University), one of Kevin’s original stories has been transformed into a screenplay titled “Fear
on Every Side”.

Kevin teaches creative writing at the Massasoit Community College’s main campus in Brockton and their satellite locations in Canton and Middleboro, Massachusetts. He’s a sought-after public speaker who thoroughly enjoys being one of the small minority of men engaged in romance writing. He is also serving his fourth term as President of the Cape Cod Writers Center. “We’re a respected non-profit that currently boasts more than 400 members from all over New England. At CCWC we’re passionate about helping writers at every stage of their career,” Kevin says, describing their mission.

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An active member of the National Writers Union, Romance Writers of America and Mystery Writers of America, he enjoys the resources these professional organizations provide, has been a presenter at their regional conferences and contributor to their magazines.

His new paranormal romance novel, Rite of Passage, was published by the award-winning Wild Rose Press in late summer 2012 and has garnered dozens of five-star reviews. His contemporary romantic thriller, Sanctuary should be released in summer of 2013. He is active on social media and can be found on Facebook, @KevinSymmons on Twitter, his author pages on Amazon and Goodreads or at his website: www.ksymmons.com.

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