Sore After Exercising? CBD Can Help


The achiness you sometimes feel after exercising can make the effort of working out seem less worthwhile. The idea of dealing with that pain might even be enough to keep you out of the gym altogether. To combat this soreness, many people are turning to alternative ways to get over their post-workout pain. With CBD becoming an increasingly popular recovery option, here are answers to some common questions about using this supplement to feel better after exercising.

What Causes Pain After Working Out?

You’ve probably heard the phrase “no pain, no gain” to describe the necessary evil of post-exercise aches. It turns out the adage is often true, since the muscle mass most people seek to build through working out is created by the often painful tearing down (and subsequent rebuilding) of existing muscle fibers. Whenever you’re starting a new exercise regime, increasing the intensity of your regular workout, or failing to rest properly between gym visits, you’ll likely find yourself susceptible to soreness. It’s important to remember that, although uncomfortable, this mild or moderate pain is usually normal.

Can CBD Help Reduce Exercise Pain?

Normal though it may be, experiencing pain after a workout is no fun. In fact, many people cite this achiness as a reason for curbing their healthy regimen or avoiding exercise altogether. Fortunately, taking steps like properly stretching, consuming plenty of water, and resting after strenuous activity can help mitigate post-workout soreness.

In recent years, experts have also been exploring the positive impact of cannabidiol, or CBD, on muscle pain. Studies are showing that taking CBD can reduce inflammation in many areas of the body, including the muscular system. Additionally, CBD is proving to be effective with increasing mobility as well as the reducing the stiffness that often goes hand in hand with muscle soreness. Combining CBD & exercise may make your recovery easier and keep you motivated to continue working out.

How Should CBD Be Used to Reduce Pain?

CBD can be applied topically or ingested. Many people find relief by applying tinctures, oils, or lotions directly to the areas in which they’re feeling achy. Rubbing topicals right onto the source of pain is believed to speed relief to the places you need it most. Massaging your sore muscles with CBD lotions or oils can allow for better absorption and deeper penetration for maximum relief.

Other victims of post-workout pain find they experience ongoing relief by regularly consuming CBD edibles, capsules, or oils. CBD gummies are a popular choice, but many people who regularly take supplements find it easy to include a CBD capsule as part of their routine. Still others favor oils that can be mixed into almost any food or drink for easy consumption. It’s really about finding what works best for you, and online sellers like Common Ground CBD can offer you a range of options.

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Should a Doctor Be Consulted Before Using CBD?

Although topical and ingestible CBD are both considered generally safe for use by most people, everyone is different. Before adding any supplement to your routine, it’s always a good idea to speak to your doctor. Your physician can help ensure that none of your health conditions or any medications you take will be negatively affected by taking CBD.

There’s increasing evidence that cannabidiol can decrease the muscle inflammation that causes you to ache after you work out. With your doctor’s approval, there’s no reason not to experiment with using CBD to curb your post-exercise pain. Whether you choose to ingest it or apply it topically, taking CBD may be just what you need to recover from workouts and stay committed to your healthy routine.

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