Stuck in a Financial Rut? Try These Unique Money-Saving Tools

Money-Saving Tools

When it comes to spending and saving, it can often feel mundane and routine. If you’re just going through the motions, chances are you aren’t as diligent about your finances as you’d like to be. Rather than giving up or falling into the same ineffective patterns, it might be time to shake up your style.

Instead of worrying about money on a daily basis, it’s important to look at your finances as a whole. If you find yourself stuck in a financial rut, these money-saving tips may be just what you need to find the fun in finance.

There’s an App for That

Trying to budget can feel overwhelming if you’re currently using a spreadsheet or manually writing out your expenses — and you’ve likely felt unmotivated to keep up with your finances this way. Instead, try a more convenient tool, like a budget app. A budget app is a more streamlined way to manage your spending and ensure you’re paying your bills on time.

If you were previously relying on easy online borrowing options to relieve your short-term money problems, a budget app is an effective way to learn how to balance your finances better so you have more money to enjoy life.

Try the Envelope System

The envelope system involves sticking to a strictly cash-only spending budget. While this may seem challenging at first, it’s one of the simplest ways to track your spending habits. The best part about this tool is when you spend smarter, you’ll likely find extra cash in one of the categories — whether it’s groceries, entertainment, and so on — that you can then use to treat yourself to something you’ve had your eye on.

Become a Thrifter

If you’re used to shopping at brand-name stores or buying new clothes each season, secondhand shopping is going to change the way you spend significantly. The benefit to thrift shopping is that you can still score great finds, it just takes more time. You can find unique pieces that you wouldn’t find in the store and at a price that won’t have you reaching for your credit card. You can also scan through for coupons you can use and save time and money.

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One of the best parts about shopping secondhand is that you don’t have to give up your lavish tastes completely. There are plenty of consignment stores that sell designer items at a discounted rate. So when it’s time to splurge on yourself with the extra envelope money, you won’t have to feel guilty about your purchase.

Plan a Local Vacation

If you’re struggling to save for a vacation, but you still have the itch to explore, turn your vacation into a local exploration. Chances are, there are plenty of unique and quaint towns in your immediate area with local shops and cafes. A vacation doesn’t have to include a lavish hotel and expensive flights. You can save money while still enjoying time away from your everyday responsibilities — it’s all about getting creative.

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