iKotton Camisole V-Neck and Panties for Full Comfort with Style

iKotton Camisole V-Neck and Panties for Full Comfort with Style

My daughter loves iKotton’s camisole v-neck and panties.  She just received them before she went back to college and at first, she wasn’t sure.  She said, “Mom they look so big”.  So my heart kind of sunk at first.  But then she came out Saturday morning and was wearing the panties and said, “they are way too comfortable”.

Panty Waistline

With Organic Cotton Panty Waistline

iKotton Camisole V-Neck and Panties for Full Comfort with Style

Now keep in mind she is just a new 21 years old so when I tell you she came out with the lace part kinda above her gray shorts it was really cute.  I wouldn’t think you should tell your teenagers to start a new style at school OR maybe it is a new trend.  Anyways…they are getting rave reviews from my daughter!

This brief provides total hip coverage and perfect protection. They stay in shape all day. They have super soft lace for comfort.  They also are very suitable for people with sensitive skin.  They also come in pink and light blue and come in sizes small to extra-large.

Camisole V-Neck by iKotton

Organic Cotton Camisole V-Neck Top (With Removable Bra Pads)

iKotton Camisole V-Neck and Panties for Full Comfort with Style

My daughter also was thrilled with this very comfortable camisole.  She says it is so soft and stays right in place. It is short though like it is shown in the picture.

You can enjoy bra free all day. Wear it with or without pads. This Cami is designed for maximum comfort with no heavy elastic band. It fits best to fit women with cup sizes up to C.

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The camisoles come in three different colors.  Sky Blue, Ice Gray and Pearl Pink. Available in sizes Extra Small to Extra Large.

You will want to visit and see all of the different styles of panties and camisoles that they offer.

You can visit them on their Social Media below:

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