A Mouth Guard Is Not the Only Solution: 5 Tips to Stop Grinding Your Teeth

Hi, I am Betty Knight, Owner of this site! I…
Men and women often find they wake up in the morning with a sore jaw or headache. Others must listen to their partner complain about a lack of sleep thanks to their sleeping patterns and behavior. Tooth sensitivity and pain frequently become an issue as well. If you experience any or all of these symptoms or your relationship is being negatively impacted by your sleeping difficulties, see a dentist like https://www.gatewayoaksdental.com/home-rockrose-dental/. You might be grinding your teeth which brings about these problems. The following are five ways to stop grinding your teeth.
Mouth Guards
Mouth guards benefit those who grind their teeth. The guard prevents damage to the tooth and other parts of the mouth along with a number of conditions that arise from this dental issue. People often state they don’t wear a mouth guard because it is uncomfortable, but a Family Dentist custom fits the guard so this issue is eliminated. Make an appointment today to discuss the problem and be fitted for a dental night guard if the dentist determines this is the best remedy.
Facial Exercises
Facial exercises, those that work the tongue and jaw muscles, help relax the jaw and other facial muscles. This brings the jaw back into proper alignment, which slows or stops teeth grinding. One exercise to try is to say the letter “N”. When you do so the top and bottom teeth don’t touch, and this helps to stop clenching.
Minimize Stress
Stress or other mental health issues often bring about the grinding of teeth when a person is awake or asleep. For individuals who believe this is the cause of their problem, several things may be done to resolve the issue. Meditation helps many alleviate their depression, anxiety, and pain, and others find yoga brings their depression under control. In fact, any type of exercise might be of benefit at this time, so don’t hesitate to try different activities until you find one you love. If this doesn’t help, work with a counselor or therapist to resolve the underlying issues.
Researchers studying this issue found Botox helps reduce the pain and frequency of teeth grinding in many people, although more research needs to be done. If the dentist believes this will help, small amounts of Botox are injected into the large muscle responsible for moving the jaw to relax it and reduce the problem. The injections need to be repeated at regular intervals to keep the problem under control.
Reduce Caffeine Consumption
Caffeine makes a person irritable and irrational, and it also interferes with the ability of the body to deliver oxygen to the brain. A person’s sleep quality is negatively affected by caffeine consumption and this may lead to the person grinding their teeth as they sleep. Furthermore, caffeine is a stimulant. When a person consumes caffeine, the mind and body aren’t relaxed, and the effects are prominent at night when the person tries to sleep. This can lead to the individual grinding their teeth in their sleep.
Try all options to reduce your teeth grinding. Leaving this problem untreated can lead to additional issues, so seek help promptly. When you do so, you’ll find you can stop the problem before your teeth and gums are harmed and have a smile you love and wish to share with others whenever possible.
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Hi, I am Betty Knight, Owner of this site! I am a 'nearing 30-year-old', happily married to 1 awesome man. We live in the beautiful tourist town of Franklin NY.