How Do You Prevent a Friend from Driving While Intoxicated?

Drink and drive

A friend finds himself in a state of drunkenness, and you realize that the situation is becoming dangerous both for him and for others. How would you go about making him listen to reason? How would you convince him to be careful? How would you convince a drunk friend not to drive?

As soon as you see your friend getting drunk, you will try not to provoke a conflict or even a comedy on his part at the end of the evening when he may be too tired and aggressive to listen to you.

Here are some ways to prevent your friend from driving while intoxicated. 

  1. Tell Your Friend Not to Drive:

Be more assertive than usual, if necessary. Despite the remarks and comments due to alcohol that may follow, remain calm and courteous. Don’t take them personally. Instead, explain to him that you are doing this to protect him. If that happens, do not hesitate to slip a touch of lightness in your firmness; we will talk about this evening for a long time! or Fortunately, I am as stubborn as you!

In any case, refuse to get in the car with your friend to make him understand that you don’t trust him to drive at all.

  1. Be Persistent:

Your friend, given his condition, may not understand you or listen to you the first time. Don’t let go. Ask him, for example, to repeat what you just told him to check if he understands the situation at all. Find other good reasons for not taking the wheel by talking to him about the consequences on his work, his life plans, his family, or worse if he causes an accident while intoxicated.

Persevere with clarity, firmness, gentleness, and calm. The goal is not to be right or to win a conflict.

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  1. Refuse all Avoidance Strategies:

Your friend will probably try to convince you that he will be fit to drive after a good coffee or a good shower. This does not eliminate the alcohol from the body or the consequences in the event of a positive test or accident. When caught driving under the influence of alcohol, hire a DUI lawyer for your best defense. 

  1. Be Cunning to Get the Car Keys:

You can wait until your friend is busy picking up their keys, or you can ask for them with a good excuse (Take something from the car, e.g.). Then move his car so that he does not find it or hide the keys. Given his condition, your friend may have very quickly forgotten that he gave you his keys. So there is no point in talking to him about it again.

  1. Make Your Friend Sleep there or at Home:

If possible, with your host’s agreement, the easiest way is to persuade your friend to spend the night at the venue. To transcend his desire to drive, show him his bed, he will maybe go to bed just as quickly. Talk to him about a good breakfast when he wakes up.

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