6 Alarming Telltale Signs You Need to See a Therapist

6 Alarming Telltale Signs You Need to See a Therapist

With the prevailing stigma around mental health and the struggles, the majority of people are often afraid of speaking up and seeking help. Therapy can not only improve the symptoms but also help you overcome your life challenges and rise above the shortcomings. Reports suggest that while 1 in every 5 Americans struggles with mental health problems, only 40% of the people actually get the help they need.

BetterHelp helps you connect with board-certified therapists online for a comfortable and timely check-up for quicker recovery. 

1. Inability to Regulate Emotions

It is okay to feel an overwhelming range of emotions every now and then. But, when you are here unable to control those range of emotions, it is likely a sign that you need professional help for the struggle. Often, uncontrolled anger is a sign of inner turmoils and struggles that you have repressed through the years. If you are unable to keep a check on your emotions, especially with anger and sadness. 

2. Lacking Productivity at Work (or School)

Mental health struggles impact one’s cognitive behavior impairs one’s concentration and can affect productivity at work or even school if we are talking about a student. If you are suddenly noticing a decline in the quality of work you are providing, it is likely time that you take the condition seriously and get help. Sometimes, your lack of productivity and efficiency can not just affect your goodwill as a worker, it can directly or indirectly affect other people involved in the job. Getting professional help on time can help you regulate your behavior and improve your concentration.

3. Disturbed Sleep Cycles

Not getting enough sleep is not a flex. If you are experiencing a sudden decline in your sleep timings along with altered appetite, it is likely that you need professional help from a therapist. Studies suggest that people with extreme depression or stress often experience reduced sleep and appetite too. So, track your sleeping patterns and in case you can’t seem to get enough rest throughout the day, it is likely important that you might need help.

4. Struggling to Uphold Relationships

It doesn’t matter whether you are a people person or not, a sudden impact on your relationships is likely a sign that things are not as white as it seems. Mental health issues can often make you pull back from relationships that you hold dear and even instill insecurity in your relationships. You might find yourself having a hard time communicating your feelings with people around you. Seeing a therapist can help you find the undiagnosed issues surrounding your mental health and even helps improve the social skills as well.

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5. Your Trauma is Haunting You

One of the leading issues behind mental health struggles results from past trauma. If you have experienced trauma in the past and have had a hard time recovering from it, there are chances that talk therapy can help you overcome those struggles and self-reflect to finally bury the hurt in the past. Seeing a therapist helps you develop new and constructive ways to deal with the trauma and also find healthy outlets for the struggles they are likely facing in a day to day life.

6. You Have Developed Distaste for Things You Once Enjoyed

If you once enjoyed playing video games but the mere mention of it now puts you off, there are chances that you might need help to find why. Undiagnosed psychological and emotional struggles are often a huge contributing factor behind changed likes and dislikes. The perpetual disinterest and the feeling of emptiness within you can stem from reasons that you have likely repressed for months or years.


Deciding that you want therapy and then finally committing to it is a hard decision in itself. So, if you are experiencing any of these shortcomings mentioned above, it is a sign that you need immediate help for the struggles you are experiencing. Always make sure that you devote your time to first researching an ideal therapist for you before you start getting counseled on a regular basis.

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