Christmas Tree Spritz Cookies & More….

christmas tree spritz image

christmas tree spritz image

Christmas Tree Spritz Cookies & More….

When I was a little girl my Grandma Ryan was a big cookie maker. This cookie was always one she made; and they were always delicious. When I got married and was on my own, Grandma gave me a cookie press. Over 25 years later, I still have that cookie press today. It is the color of copper, and the ‘butt end’ is bent but it still works and makes these delicious cookies today.

When my kids were little they enjoyed ‘picking’ the color and the shape of their cookie that year. One year we had yellow camels, one year red trees; but one year my oldest picked blue dogs. As you can tell that was a year to remember.  This recipe I am sharing is the one I use the most. Enjoy!

Christmas Tree Spritz Cookies & More….

Recipe Type: Cookie
Cuisine: Dessert
Author: Grandma Ryan
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 6 dozen
These cookies might need to be chilled a bit in order to work with ease. I only chill them in the fridge so they aren’t sticky. I also have learned through the years your pan does need to be cool-ish (not right out of the oven). When pressing the cookies you want to be quick and only do a few turns. You will know as you try what works for you.
  • 1 cup Butter
  • 3/4 cup Sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp. almond extract
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 2 1/4 cups sifted all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 tsp. baking powder
  • Green Food Coloring or your choice
  1. Cream butter and sugar well. Beat in egg and almond extract.
  2. Gradually blend in dry ingredients which have been sifted together and tint dough with a few drops of green food coloring. Mix Well.
  3. Fill cookie press. Form cookies on ungreased cookie sheets, using tree plate No. 21 if your press plates have numbers or the one that looks like a tree.
  4. Decorate with tiny candies. (optional). Bake. at 375 degrees.
  5. Remove at once to cooling racks.


You can purchase a cookie press for a fairly decent price. This also makes a great gift for the baker in your family! This Wilton Comfort Grip Cookie Press can be purchased on Amazon and comes with all you need to make these awesome tasting cookies!

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halo69 slot

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