Cross Country Cafe Keurig K-Cups Assessment

Cross Country Kcups

Cross Country Kcups

**Disclosure: I was provided with K-cups in order to facilitate my opinion. My opinions are 100% my own and were not influenced by receiving the free product. Also this post contains affiliate links.**

Cross Country Cafe Keurig K-Cups Assessment

Cross Country Cafe is your one-stop shop when it comes to variety in ordering Keurig K-cups for your Keurig coffee maker. ย This ecafe is offering Autumn Harvest K-cups which are here for a limited time. They have a ย Huge selection of Keurig K-cups and gourmet coffee pods at rock bottom prices!

With just 2 of us living in the house full-time, while the kids are at college; these k-cups make it very convenient. ย We don’t have to wait for the coffee pot to brew and we don’t have to worry about stale coffee. ย My husband’s favorite between the two flavors we were sent is the Pumpkin Spice. ย I happen to enjoy both flavors.

Some Background On Their Business

From their website: We have been family owned and operated for three generations and still going strong. ย We are thrilled to be one of the few National Distributors of Keurig K-cup coffee products but, find satisfaction in selling a coffee that we have passion for. ย We have worked hard to create a different kind of online shopping experience, we are a community of coffee lovers coming together to share our thought, tips, advice and expertise. ย We hope to become a trusted friend that you can turn to to satisfy all of your K-cup coffee needs.

You will be happy with the quality and their customer service. They take pride in their business and I am sure you will see this when placing an order. ย They have great sales, free shipping on orders over $59.00 (which makes it a perfect place to order Holiday gifts for family in one place!) Upcoming flavors include: Eggnog, Gingerbread, Golden French Toast and, Island Coconut ! These all sound delicious!

See Also

Also when you visit their website, you will find you can download a FREE Fall Recipe Ebook. ย So, celebrate Fall with Cross Country Cafe, you won’t be disappointed. Follow them on their social media below:

Cross Country Cafe on Facebook
Cross Country Cafe on Twitter
Cross Country Cafe on Pinterest
Cross Country Cafe’s ย  ย Website

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are 'affiliate links.' This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission.
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