Finding Dory Inspired Centerpieces
When I found out that Finding Dory was coming to theaters June 17, 2016, I have been looking forward to seeing it.
I loved Finding Nemo, but even more, I really enjoyed Dory in that movie. I enjoyed how she had a short term memory which made her have some funny scenes in the movie. Also, I won’t lie I loved that Ellen Degeneres played her part.
Before I was invited by Disney/Pixar to walk the red carpet for Finding Dory, interview some of the actors who voice the characters, and also the producers, directors I started trying to figure out something that would be fun to share with my readers. Then I was out one night with my husband and visited Hobby Lobby. I do not go there often because let’s face it, I am not very ‘crafty’.
So I will share with you how I made these Finding Dory inspired centerpieces.
Supplies you will need:
- light blue sand
- white sand
- iridescent glitter (optional I just liked how it looked)
- a variety package of sea shells
- a pair of tweezers (for putting or positioning shells)
- a skewer (for moving shells around if needed)
- glass jars that will sit to look like a fish tank (not pictured in my supply picture)
- For the large glass jar main centerpiece you will have to decide how many you need for your tables. (large size). Then you will have to decide how many of the small size you will need.
- Dory and Nemo figures
When I went to Hobby Lobby I was lucky as their glass jars were on sale 50% off. The large sizes were $5.99 before the sale price and each small size were $1.99.
- small jars-$1.99 x 3= $5.97 @50% off= $2.98 for 3
- large jar-$5.99 @50% off=$2.99
- white sand-$2.49
- blue sand-$2.49
- variety pack of shells-$3.99 (I had a huge amount left over so I could have made quite a few more.)
- iridescent glitter
- Finding Nemo and Finding Dory Figures=$8.49
So about $25 made me one large ‘fish’ bowl and 3 ‘small jars.
I hope you enjoy this project with the movie coming to theaters on June 17, 2016. I will be walking the red carpet for the #FindingDoryEvent on June 8th in LA. You can click the link <—- to see the posters, video clips and more information about the event I will be attending.
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Newly middle-aged wife of 1, Mom of 3, Grandma of 2. A professional blogger who has lived in 3 places since losing her home to a house fire in October 2018 with her husband. Becky appreciates being self-employed which has allowed her to work from 'anywhere'. Life is better when you can laugh. As you can tell by her Facebook page where she keeps the humor memes going daily. Becky looks forward to the upcoming new year. It will be fun to see what 2020 holds.