Fun on the Set Interview with Gwyneth Paltrow/Pepper Potts #IronMan3Event

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Fun on the Set Interview with Gwyneth Paltrow/Pepper Potts #IronMan3Event

When I found out we were going to be interviewing Gwyneth Paltrow; I couldn’t believe it. I have watched her through the years in various movies. Never in my life did I imagine that I would see her in person, let alone meet her.

Twenty-four bloggers and myself were awaiting Gwyneth’s arrival; you could feel the excitement in the air. When Gwyneth walked in we all clapped and you could see the smile on her face, almost like she wasn’t expecting it.  Right after she said hi the questions started as we didn’t have a lot of time to spend with her. While signing her newest cookbook “Its All Good”, she answered our questions about her role in Pepper Potts in the movie Iron Man 3. Iron Man 3 releases in theaters everywhere May 3.

Gwyneth was absolutely stunning in her  beautiful white dress which showed off her ever so fit figure. You wouldn’t have  known she would be walking the red carpet, just a few short hours after being with us. She mainly spoke to us about her new cookbook (which I mentioned above), her role in Iron Man 3, and how it felt to be named ‘People’s’ Most Beautiful.

Since the interview which was originally only supposed to last 15 minutes turned into almost a half an hour, I will be covering this interview in 2 parts. This part will cover her role in Iron Man 3, part 2 will cover her new cookbook.

One of the first questions asked was:

What was it like putting on the suit? (we were referring to the Iron Man suit)

I loved putting on the suit. It was really weird,  I have never done anything like that in my whole career. My son was on set, and so I’ll never forget it; I walk out onto the set,  I was fully dressed in the suit, and his face, ( because he’s in the last probably year and a half, has watched the the first Iron Man and Avengers and everything). I’ll never forget his face. He was in shock and awe. It was so cool.

Which was followed up by the next questions as Mom’s have to ask: Mommy Cool?

Oh my God, yes, and by the way, I now have,  a Lego in the set- there’s a Pepper, so I am, like, I am a goddess. So fun.

–could you imagine being having a lego made after your part in a movie that your kids can play with? I am sure I would have ranked high when my kids were that age!

We then went on to ask how it felt to be such a strong role in a movie as a woman.

How does it feel, as Pepper, to be that strong?

I loved it so much. You know, I was getting kind of like, come on, guys. Pepper, let’s- come on, all these boys are flying around doing all this fun stuff. I loved, loved, how patient, kind and sweet Pepper is, but, when I read this script.  I was like, oh yeah she’s,  in the suit and flying around, and I loved doing the stunts.  As I said, I really had never done anything like that before and it was really- it was really fun. I felt like I should’ve been doing this my whole…., why am I doing all these period films, like, it’s so boring.

When asked about how it was on set during the filming she mentioned nerf gun fights with her kids and Robert Downey Jr. She also loved how it was so family-oriented; which made it easy to have the kids right there with her. Gwyneth did mention the kids using golf carts, as that is how they get from one set to another.

I’m so bad at remembering, the funny stories. The things that I remember from set are, my kids learning,  how to drive a golf cart. On a movie set, it’s so big and you drive a golf cart from one thing to another. You’re like, okay, you can drive the golf cart, sit on the lap, or like how- I was- and then all of a sudden, they just started taking off in golf carts. So, this is illegal and this is not okay.


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When Gwyneth was asked how it was on the set with her kids and Robert Downey Jr. she mentioned just how neat it was:

They, (her kids),  just love him so much and he creates a fun environment, it was nice. It was a really nice shoot, and when you work with someone over and over again that you really love that environment is so familial and the kids feel it- everybody feels it, it really was so great.

One of the questions that was asked was what it was like to work with Ty Simpkins (interview will be posted later this week). I never thought about the fact that sometimes actors do not even meet during a taping. This was her reply:

Oh, I never even met him. I wasn’t in that section. I loved in the movie how they do that relationship and that is exactly what Robert is like. He teases me about that much, all the time. It was really fun how they did that relationship.

I have to admit I was happy when Gwyneth told us that she normally doesn’t watch this type of movie. When I was invited on the trip I hadn’t watched any of the Marvel movies. (I know, I know that is bad)…but I have to say after doing so I will be watching them whenever I can.

So she was asked if she had seen Iron Man 3 yet and she said she had!

I saw it.  Marvel very kindly did a- or Disney, or I don’t know who- one of my bosses, they did a- , after all the press in London, they,  rented a little screening room and so I, I brought my son and my daughter and seventeen of their friends and,  it was so awesome. We watched it in 3D and I was really surprised. I mean, I thought the movie was actually a really a good movie.

I normally don’t, like, watch this kind of movie and,  I thought it was so good. I thought there were so many really interesting metaphors in it about,  the media sort of being proponents of fear and how that effects in the culture and,  what’s real, what’s a threat, and I loved Robert,  Tony Stark being really stripped back and raw and you know, having to kind of MacGyver his way back to, you know, strength and I just, I loved the relationship with Pepper and Tony.

I thought it was really cool to see Pepper wanting to get her needs met, and I just thought it worked really-  you know, and then of course, all the, like, action stuff is so fun, but I also think that the bones of it were, like, actually really good.

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A few of the last questions that were asked were :

Would we be seeing her in anymore action movies?

I don’t know. I would actually really like to, but really, am I old now to start,  being in action movies,  (she then laughed).  I would like to. Everybody- the nice thing is that everybody’s sort of been very sweet about Pepper in this movie, like all the journalists who came in. They were like, oh my God, you have to have your own movie, because in the comics, Pepper gets her own suit, and she becomes a character called Rescue. They’re like, we need a Rescue movie, and I’m like, okay, well, I’d better hit the gym.

That part really made me giggle as if you looked at her you would think she would be all ready and fit to play the action figure part. When asked what color suit she felt Pepper should have, she had to think for a moment but then said  “Gray, like, silver and white. My favorite colors.”

Lastly Gwyneth was asked what it was like working with Robert Downey Jr., which is a great question seeing as this is the 3rd Iron Man movie. I figured it had to be a great relationship with the chemistry that they convey throughout each film. Her response was:

It’s so fun. I mean, he’s really, like, the most spontaneous , mad genius, improvising, you’re really on your toes. You know, it’s not like- it’s really interesting, actually, to see how all these different actors, what their process is and how they work.  Jeff Bridges on the first movie, he had binders of research, and everything was all, underlined and highlighted, and there were graphs and all this.

Then Robert would come in and, like, read the scene and rip it up, and be like, nope, we’re not doing it. He’s like, this is bullshit. Let’s make it up- and poor Jeff Bridges would be dying,  he had memorized everything. It was so interesting, though, to see, like, how different, you know, and as the woman, of course, you’re just like, let’s keep everyone happy. (then Gwyneth laughed as we did too!) There’s a happy medium to be found here, guys.  I personally loved- just because I’ve been doing this job for so long, it’s so nice to have someone who is like  they’re like, what am I gonna do.

You know, it’s really- on this movie, he was at least not throwing away the scenes every day because the screenplay was really good. Um, but it’s really fun. You never know what’s gonna happen which I love, not- Jeff Bridges does not love it, but….. (at which time she just laughs.)

That is what I enjoyed most about Gwyneth Paltrow is she was so friendly and easy to listen to. I felt as if we were just 26 people sitting and talking. Her down-to-earth  nature makes me feel that although People Magazine might have been talking about Gwyneth’s beauty on the outside, she truly embodies beauty inside and out!

Stay tuned for Part 2 of our interview with Gwyneth Paltrow. I will be talking about her new cookbook “Its All Good” in just a few days.

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If you look toward the left back you will see me peering out, (for some reason I thought I was tall).
(Photos of Gwyneth Paltrow were taken by Crissy Page of Dear Crissy.)

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