How Reusable Water Bottles Help the Environment

How Reusable Water Bottles Help the Environment

An estimated 8 million tons of plastic are dumped into our oceans every year!

Of that, there are at least 269,000 tons of plastic floating on the oceans at any moment while 4 billion plastic fibers make their way into the deep sea.

Many species of animals ingest this plastic and a result, millions of marine animals die every year from ingesting the material or getting entangled in it.

These effects are just in the sea alone. Plastic is also contributing to land and air pollution in addition to having a detrimental effect on our health.

Buying bottled water does not seem like it poses much danger to the environment but this is far from the truth.

This article will discuss the impact of plastic on our environment and how reusable water bottles help the environment.

The Plastic Water Bottle Problem

Citizens of the United States purchase approximately 42.6 billion plastic water bottles each year. On a global scale, 22 billion plastic water bottles are downed each year.

While water is good for our health, where does all that plastic go? Additionally, what is the environmental and monetary costs of making disposable plastic water bottles?

The Container Recycling Institute estimates that over 60 million plastic water bottles end up in incinerators and landfill every day.

Thus, they do not only destroy our lands, but also contribute to the greenhouse effect as a result of the carbon dioxide released from incinerators.

What’s more, research indicates that it takes about 17 million barrels of oil to make just one year’s supply of bottled water.

To put that into context, that is the amount of oil needed to fuel 1.3 million cars for a whole year or power 190,000 homes!

Again, the environmental and monetary costs of production far outweigh the benefits of having bottled water. Clearly, there must be a better way of going about this.

Reusable Water Bottles Help the Environment

American citizens, on average, spend about $11.8 billion on water bottles. A typical person uses about 217 plastic water bottles every year. Thus, if they were to switch to an eco-friendly water bottle, they would save as much as $6,180.

Reusable or sustainable water bottles should be the norm. By switching to reusable bottles, you will not only save money in the long run but also, you will be helping lower the amount of plastic waste.

Benefits of Using Reusable Water Bottles

When it comes to environmental conservation, most of us delegate that duty to international organizations and societies.

However, it is through our collective efforts shall we be able to see the change we want. Here is how a sustainable water bottle can help you achieve that.

1. Limit the Use of Non-Renewable Sources of Energy

Countless articles have portrayed the effects of oil use on the environment. When oil combusts, it releases greenhouse gases which directly cause global warming. Global warming is another can of worms altogether.

By limiting our use of plastic water bottles, we will not have to use as much oil in their manufacture or incineration. Consequently, the price of fuel will go down as we look towards renewable sources of energy.

2. Save Money

Bottled water is too expensive as compared to your tap water. If you decide to fill up your reusable water bottle every time you leave the house, you will stay hydrated without having a significant impact on your water bill.

Buying bottled water is essentially throwing your hard earned money away.

3. Safety

To give them shape, plastic bottle manufacturers use a chemical called BPA as it solidifies polycarbonates. Nonetheless, BPA has been found to have an adverse effect on our health.

Reusable bottles, on the other hand, are BPA free thus ensuring that you do not ingest toxins as you drink your water.

4. Conserving Our Landscapes

One way of disposing of trash is through landfills. As life expectancy continues to increase, any space available on the planet is becoming more precious. It, therefore, makes little sense to fill up land with water bottles.

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Surprisingly, bottled water manufacturers continue to produce billions of water bottles without a care. To make it worse, they reroute the courses of rivers and streams towards their production plants for their industrial needs.

Consequently, entire ecosystems are affected leading to droughts and death of wildlife.

5. Aesthetics

While aesthetics might not be everything, they sure do help. Reusable water bottles not only look good but they also give off the appearance that you are a smart consumer that is wary of their impact on the environment.

Reusable bottles come in unique colors and designs that they can even complement your appearance. If you have been looking to get a gift for someone who has everything, get them this pink water bottle.

6. Durability

Reusable water bottles are made to last. You could but a bottle today and find yourself still using it a decade later. What’s more, unlike plastic bottles, reusable bottles do not fold or break thus ensuring you can carry it without making a mess.

7. Convenience

We are advised to drink at least 8 ounces of water per day. A typical reusable water bottle carries at least double that amount. This means that you will be able to meet your daily quota and have some left.


The earth’s population has been on a steady trajectory ever since we started doing a census. In fact, our population has more than doubled over the past 50 years.

With that many mouths to feed, we are burning through fuel at an alarming rate. What’s more, industries are popping everywhere to meet our secondary needs.

The consequence is that pollution levels are at an all-time high. If we do not start taking accountability for our actions, the planet will not be able to sustain our future generations.

Proactivity, therefore, is key for environmental conservation.

Reusable water bottles help the environment by limiting the use of plastic water bottles. Consider getting yourself one today.

Do you want to broaden your environmental conservation efforts at home? Check out our blog to learn how to properly recycle common household devices.

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