MALEFICENT Make-up by Disney Consumer Products

maleficent and sleeping beauty make-up

maleficent and sleeping beauty make-up

**Disney provided me with a full expense paid trip to Los Angeles for the #VeryBadDayEvent and #DisneyInHomeEvent, #SleepingBeauty in exchange for my review of the events of the trip.  No other compensation was given. The opinions in my posts are 100% mine.**

MALEFICENT Make-up by Disney Consumer Products

With Maleficent coming out on November 4th on Blu-ray, Disney  Consumer Products has made available make-up to bring out your Good vs. Evil.  This set is now available and you can purchase it at Walgreens. I have also seen the make up on Ebay and  I would check local first as most likely on Ebay you will pay much more.  Here is the information:

Disney Princess Beauty Collection- Good vs. Evil

Licensees: e.l.f., Ardell, SOHO
Retailer: Walgreens
MSRP: $7.99-9.99
Now Available

Now anyone can channel their inner Disney Princess (or villain!).   With this beauty collection that embodies the characteristics, stories and personalities of Disney’s beloved heroine, Aurora, and villain, Maleficent. The collection includes look books, eyelashes, and cosmetic bags.

good vs evil  make-up bags & kits

As you can see the bags are beautiful.  You can choose from Sleeping Beauty, if you are feeling ‘good’, or Maleficent if you are feeling a bit naughty/evil. OR you  may find you want both to fit your personality for the day.  These also will make great gifts for the daughter, niece or granddaughter in your life.

See Also
83 togel

Also remember, this collection isn’t just for the look of a costume. You can go less dramatic with your choices, layer the eye shadow for an evening out on the town, or that New Years eve party you have coming up.

There are many tutorials on if you want to see how to do your own make up.  All you have to do is search “Maleficent Make-up Tutorials” and there is a vast amount to choose from.

If you have tried the make up, share with me your thoughts in the comments. I look forward to hearing from you. Also if for Halloween you dress up as Maleficent or Sleeping Beauty. Then shoot me a photo at [email protected] and I will write a post including your photo to show off to my readers!

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