Save Money and Entertain Yourself – 5 Things to do That are Fun and Free

Save money

Constantly counting your money can take its toll. It’s stressful, worrying and when you work hard all week long only to discover your funds are already dangerously low, it’s a dreadful feeling. This constant cycle needs to stop! 

Aside from credit card and utility debt – can help you take control of your debts, just click the link – one of the biggest money expenditures of a modern family is entertainment. Whether we’re planning trips to the cinema, heading out bowling, or sitting in and streaming something from one of the many online services we’re subscribed to, it’s a fact that keeping ourselves entertained is an expensive business – perhaps even more so if you have children. 

So, with this in mind, I’ve come up with some simple ways you can save money and entertain yourself. Read on to discover 5 things to do that are fun and free!

Learn a new skill

There’s a whole world of skills, talents and new ideas to discover. So, why not dedicate your TV time to developing a new skill. Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn how to sew or crochet a blanket, or maybe you want to pursue further education and gain a qualification. You could learn something practical like how to change a tire or repair a zip or button. Or you could even consider something fun, like juggling!

Have a new experience 

After a busy day at work or chasing after the kids all day, it’s natural to want to sit in front of the TV in your PJs and not move until bedtime. However, if you want to save a little money and entertain yourself, consider trying a new experience. Attend a local museum or an art gallery and see what exhibitions they have on. Head to an open mic night and check out local bands or stand-ups. Why not spend some time volunteering at the local homeless shelter or food bank? Do your bit, you might enjoy it more than you anticipate! 

Open your mind

We should all read a little more. But today’s modern world means that watching TV for hours on end is a much easier way to relax and unwind. However, when you decide to pick up a book there’s no telling where you’ll end up. I know what you’re thinking – books can be expensive – but nothing is stopping you from heading to a charity shop, asking to borrow a book from a friend or heading to the library to see what you can find.

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Do something physical try a little

Moving your body is always a good option. You could try a workout in your front room, give yoga or meditation a try. You could take a jog around the block or take the dog and the kids for a brisk walk through the park after teatime – enjoy the great outdoors.

Get organized

We often complain that there aren’t enough hours in the day. So, instead of wasting time and money watching TV, take this opportunity to get organized, sort through your clutter, paint your bedroom, give your home a deep clean or organize your closet! You could make money from all that junk! 


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