Street Smarts: 7 Core Principles of Not Becoming a Target for Criminals and Street Thugs

There are certain areas and districts of any major city that develop a reputation for being a no-go area if you want to stay away from potential trouble and that is a good example of how it pays to learn ways to become streetwise and reduce your chances of being targeted by criminals.

Booking yourself an online LTC course would also be another step in the right direction in terms of protecting your personal safety, and here are some key principles that need to be observed if you take this subject seriously.

Staying safe at home

You always want to feel safe inside your own home and there are a few basic precautions to follow if you want to improve your chances of becoming a victim of crime.

Make sure you always keep your windows and doors locked and donโ€™t be tempted to answer the door to someone you donโ€™t recognize or are not expecting.

Neighborhood watch 

Safety in numbers is a good policy and if you get to know your neighbors well it makes sense to look out for each other.

Tell your neighbor when you are going to be away and ask them to look out for parcels and any suspicious activity. Offer to do the same for them and you will most likely make your neighborhood safer.

Personal safety on the street

Becoming a victim of a street robbery or a violent personal attack is a horrendous experience you will want to avoid if at all possible.

Always aim to travel along streets that are well lit and populated, if possible, and get to know the area so that you donโ€™t end up in a vulnerable spot unintentionally.

Going to your vehicle

Entering or exiting your vehicle is a moment of potential vulnerability. Make sure your keys are in your hand so you can get in and out quickly.

It is also wise to park in well-lit areas and check your surroundings before making your move.

Be wary of strangers

Social situations can quickly turn ugly if you let your guard down, especially when arranging to meet someone for the first time.

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If you are dating someone new it makes sense to tell a friend about your plans so they can check you are okay, and avoid drinking too much alcohol when in the company of a person you donโ€™t yet know or trust.

Learn self-defense

Learning how to look after yourself is always a smart move and if you sign up for some lessons for things like martial arts, or learn how to carry and use a firearm safely, it will improve your safety profile greatly.

Traveling on foot

If you like walking around your area you should think about how to avoid being targeted.

Donโ€™t walk alone in the dark and equip yourself with a personal attack alarm or something like pepper spray so that you can fight back or raise the alarm when targeted by a perpetrator.

Criminals and thugs are always looking for their next potential victim and you need to make it your mission to avoid drawing attention to yourself as someone worth robbing or attacking, which you can do if you think about your safety and take the right precautionary steps.

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