Top 2 Considerations Before Buying Jewelry For Your Kids

Top 2 Considerations Before Buying Jewelry For Your Kids

Jewelry is a beautiful keepsake to give to adult and child alike. For sure, children will love receiving pretty things to celebrate their birthdays or other special occasions. However, giving jewelry to children is different from giving jewelry to grownups, and for various reasons. The activity or interests of the child could make the choice more challenging since kids have the tendency to lost things even those of value.

Here are some pointers you need to consider before buying jewelry for your kids:

1. How old is your child?

As early as infancy, children can actually wear jewelry but do take note of some safety guidelines.

Top 2 Considerations Before Buying Jewelry For Your Kids

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  • Earrings

    Some parents opt to have their baby girls’ ears pierced quite early. Pediatricians would advise, however, that parents wait until their baby girl is at least six months old before having their ears pierced. The decision is quite up to you. In some cultures, parents opt to have their daughters’ ears pierced right after birth. In Spain and Latin America, for example, it is tradition to give an expectant mom a pair of gold baby studs to give her daughter after birth. If you are not bound by culture, you may want to follow the practical recommendation of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Wait until your daughter is of an age wherein she can be responsible enough to take care of her ear piercings.

    When buying baby jewelry for your girl, choose hypoallergenic ones to be sure. Select flat, round studs that have screw-back posts for added safety. As your baby girl grows, you may vary her earrings by giving her different designs that she may like, but do check that she can’t accidentally take them off and ingest them. Having your daughter wear earrings with screw-back posts throughout her preschool years might be best.

    Don’t worry! You’ll have more variety with the earrings you give your daughter as she enters her adolescent years. Then, you can experiment with giving her hoops, real gems, and dangling earrings.
  • Necklaces

    As a safety rule, it is best to refrain from giving babies necklaces as they might chew on and break these. When they get a bit older, however, you may give your child a pendant or a monogrammed necklace. Because they can already understand, preschool-aged children, as well as older kids, do get delighted when you give them necklaces that have their names or are personalized. You may check out this beautiful name necklace category page for ideas.  

    How do you choose the right length of necklace for your child? The regular length for kids’ necklaces is 16 inches. If you’re still unsure, however, take the measurement of your child’s neck and then add 3 inches more. This length should be just right for your child over the next few years.

    Teach your child to take his or her necklace off at night before going to sleep. Make sure as well that the necklace you give won’t get in the way of active playing or other kiddie activities. It is best to stick to simple designs for your young children.

    As your kids enter their teens, you may involve them in choosing necklaces that would complement their outfits.
  • Bracelets

    In some cultures, parents make their babies wear well-fitting bracelets for protection. Check that the bracelet you do give your baby is durable, and won’t break easily when your baby’s curious fingers discover it.

    As your child gets older, a bracelet would make for a cute gift. As your daughter enters her teens, a charm bracelet would be very memorable and beautiful for her to wear and keep. Teach your child how to care for his or her bracelet, and remind your child to take the bracelet off before going to sleep. Make sure that the bracelet clasp is secure so that it doesn’t fall off during play and get lost.
  • Rings

    It is best to give your children rings when they are older. Kids move a lot with their hands and use a variety of materials that might react with jewelry. Older children who can move with greater care will appreciate receiving rings more than little children.
  1. What would your child be interested in receiving?
  • Your child’s tastes and personality

    When buying your child jewelry, consider what he or she is currently interested in. Does your child have a favorite character, shape, or figure? Some popular jewelry ideas are nature-inspired such as leaves, flowers, trees, birds, or tiny animals.

    Is your child sentimental and would appreciate receiving personalized jewelry gifts from you? Then, give your child heart-shaped pendants or significant charm bracelets or necklaces. Birthstone jewelry is also quite meaningful and pretty, no matter how old your child may be.
  • Your child’s fashion style

    As your child gets older, observe his or her fashion style. Check social media for a variety of ways that teens use jewelry to give their outfits a unique touch. Pick your jewelry gifts from these pegs on popular jewelry websites or social media photos`.
  • Your child’s preferences

    It can also help to ask your child directly. You may go jewelry shopping together with your child, whether it means going to stores together or browsing online. Involving your child in choosing the gift will make it more significant for both of you.

Pieces of jewelry can be used as an expression of love and bond. Be the first one to give your child his or her first exquisite piece of jewelry. Choose the perfect gift by keeping the aforementioned pointers in mind. You’ll definitely find that significant article of jewelry to start your kids’ personal collection.

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